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Plugins (15 free, 1 shareware, 16 total)

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  This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. You can specify a list of folders for the plugin to scan. You can set the interval of when it scans those folders. The first time it scans the folders, it will use a lot of CPU as it is converting images to a small thumbnail view that is the size you specify. From then on, it will only process images it finds that are different than the thumbnail version. Additionally when enabled, it adds a live preview to the WebInterface displaying this thumbnail view when you hover your mouse over an image file. Depending on your bandwidth it could take a second or maybe two for the preview to display, but it should happen very rapidly. Most images are supported. This plugin will only work well on systems that can use Apple's Quicktime. Any image supported by Quicktime should work fine, as well as many RAW camera formats. Below is a screenshot of the plugin followed by a live preview of an image in the WebInterface.
Be sure to watch the video showing the plugin in action! (Requires Quicktime 7)
Plugins - CrushImagePreview (ftp) (http) (3.6MB)

Example of the live preview in action:

ImageMagick can also be integrated with providing for a faster image conversion process that works on almost every OS : ImageMagick Binary Download.

MagicDirectory   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to create a user by just making a directory. No need to use a user manager or anything else. Configure this plugin, and you can now make users by just creating a folder in the magic directory location. So for instance by making a folder named "john_doe" a user named "john" could login with a password of "doe". You may also configure this plugin to add in another users virtual file system. So the MagicDirectory users will have access to their own home folder, as well as the template username's files. This makes it easy for even non-technical people to create and manage users!

There are two training videos showcasing this plugin on my documentation page.

AutoUnzip   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to have files uploaded by users that are zipped, be unzipped automatically. This means if a user is using the CrushUploader on the WebInterface to upload a folder of files, by using this plugin, that folder will be decompressed after it has been uploaded.

CrushNoIP   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to have CrushFTP keep your NoIP account updated with your current IP. No need to run a separate client, just configure the plugin and let it do the work. If CrushFTP is running, your dns name is pointing to your current IP!

If you are not familiar with No-IP, let me explain. www.no-ip.com provides dynamic DNS to point to your current IP. This is ideal for users who have DSL, or Cable and their IP changes frequently. Instead of needing to remember "", you just remember "johndoe.serveftp.com". (There are many domains to choose from besides serveftp.com.) Its a free service for just the basics. If you want more, you can pay for it...but the free should be good enough in most cases. You then run a No-IP client on your local machine which tells www.no-ip.com what your current IP is anytime it changes. This plugin lets you skip that part and let CrushFTP handle it for you.

There is a training video showcasing this plugin on my documentation page.

CrushSQL   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to use a SQL table for granting user access to the server. CrushFTP will scan the table for a matching username, and password. It then gets the directory access and permissions from another linked table. The user is then allowed to login, and is restricted according to the information looked up in the tables. Any database should work, but it has only been tested with MySQL, and MS SQL Server.

HomeDirectory   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to skip a step when setting up users in the CrushFTP user manager. You can specify a home folder where all your users will be at. Then, upon login, if you have not specified a folder for the user to access, a new folder will be created for them where you specified. They will be given access to that folder with the default permissions you specified as well. It saves a step of needing to manually create the home folder for a user before they login.
Another part of the plugin allows you to specify a unique folder name that the user will be given when they login based on the date. So you could for instance have a new folder every day for the user to upload file sinto.
There is a training video showcasing this plugin on my documentation page.

LaunchProcess   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to have an external program process files coming in or out of your server. For instance, you could copy every file uploaded to your server to an archive directory. You would use one of the included example configurations in this plugin. Then in the user manager, create an event that runs this plugin instead of sending an email. You can pass in the filename that was uploaded to the program that is getting called. You could use this to perform applescript actions as well.

WebStatistics   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. This plugin enables the WebStatics information to be displayed in a web browser. It allows for an easy way to get a summary of what your server is doing. It also works directly with the CrushFTP Dashboard Widget to allow easy access to the WebStatistics in the MacOS X Tiger Dashboard. Everything is customizeable, and lots of information is available in the XML. A sample/default .xsl file comes packaged with CrushFTP by for this plugin to use.

CrushLDAP   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to integrate CrushFTP with your LDAP server, or Microsoft Active Directory. My testing was with MS Active Directory, and I had it working nicely with it.
It allows you to specify an LDAP field to use for a user's home directory. Provided the CrushFTP server machine has access to that location, the user will be allowed to login using their LDAP credentials, and given access to their home folder.
You can also specify a local path to use for user's home folders. This means a user is authenticated based on LDAP credentials, but then is given access to a local folder on the server. You specify the path, and CrushLDAP will grant access to a folder named the user's username. If the folder does not exist, CrushLDAP will create it as well.

OSXNetInfo   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to integrate CrushFTP with your OSX NetInfo accounts. (Your normal OS X login.)
It allows you to login and be given full access to your home folder. The password used for login is matched against your OS X has password securely. An added benefit is unlike the OS X FTP server, you are locked into your home directory and can't leave it and go browsing around the system.

PreferencesController   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to set time periods where certain preferences take affect. So for instance you could have bandwidth restrictions on your server from say 8AM to 4PM, and no restrictions after that. Or you could allow HTTP access only on the weekends. It even affects other plugins, so you could have certain plugins enabled on specific days.
It creates a very powerful solution to controlling access on your server in as much detail as you wish. It works by creating copies of your prefs.xml file and swapping them in and out at the specified times.

DuplicateBlocker   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to block files that have been uploaded previously to a directory from being allowed again. Its based on filenames. So if January.zip has been uploaded to a directory, a file with that same name cannot be uploaded to that directory again.

ContentBlocker   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to block files that are not the right file type. So you can make a folder that only allows PDF's, or HTML, or JPG, etc. Its based on the file extension. It also prevents uploading a file with the right extension, and then renaming it to a different extension.

FilterCommand   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. This plugin lets you overried standard responses to commands in CrushFTP. For example, if you wanted to alter the results to "SITE VERSION" to report something besides the current server version, you could override "SITE VERSION" to report "Generic FTP Server 1.0". You can customize on a per user basis who will have the command filtered.

DotBIN   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. This plugin is only useful to MacOS X users. It changes the name returned in all directory listings to have ".bin" appended to them if the user has enabled MacBinary mode. When a user then downloads a file, it will be encoded in MacBinary mode so that icons, and type/creator information is retained. Some MacOS 9 programs require this information, and even some OS X applications still need this info. Some FTP clients will transparently decode the file as its being downloaded makign this transparent to the user. (Fetch, Interarchy, etc.)

DebugOptions   This plugin comes bundled with CrushFTP. It allows you to turn on debug information in CrushFTP. The debug information is written to the CrushFTP log, as well as the system console. In OS X, this means run the console application in your utilities folder. Then open the console.log to see the information. I may ask you to enable this to try and troubleshoot an issue you may be having as it will let me know where the problem is occuring.

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