Prayer Requests

Dear friends if you would like to post a prayer request here please send it to EMAIL me!

The Chapmans have requested prayer for:

The churches among the Kuna, Embera, Guaymi, and Buglere People. The pastors and their
families, as they faithfully lead these churches. The missionaries who function behind the scenes
to see these faithful men and their families on to maturity.

The Naso People: Work among this group is in the beginning stages. Language learning is in
progress. Preparation is being made to start the translation of the New Testament and portions of
the Old Testament. Simultaneously God's Word will be taught along with literacy classes.

The New Tribes Mission flight program in Panama: Safety as many of the flights are made
into areas that experience heavy rain and high winds. Wisdom to know when to delay a flight for
weather. Safety in all aspects of the ministry. For the renewal of the "Airstrip Certificate" for
the Toncri Airstrip.

The family: Elisabeth graduates from High School in June. Lord willing Elisabeth and Lena
will travel to the USA in July. Elisabeth needs some experience driving a car, and then acquiring
a drivers license. She is also applying for the fall semester of the New Tribes Bible Institute.

Wisdom for Lena and Elisabeth as they chart out all that must be accomplished this summer.
For provisions and safety as they travel extensively during July and August.

Elisabeth as she settles into Bible School Classes on August 16.

Rachel as she continues her training at the New Tribes Mission Institute in Mississippi.

They also ask prayer for Martin and Gracia Burnham, the New Tribes missionaries who are
being held hostage in the Philippines.

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