Past Events

June 2000 Reunion

The June 2000 Curundu/Crossroads Bible Church Reunion was held at Simpsonwood Retreat Center in Norcross, GA.

In attendance was Hal and Ginny Cocanower, Jo and Ken Matros; Les and Naomi Archer, Billy and Melody O'Sullivan; Bob and Mary Gunn,
Bob and Ether Buker; Manuelita O'Sullivan, Ken and Biotsy Atkinson, Len and Marlene Urbach, Jerry and Jane Worsham;
Bill and Judy Ritchie; Gordon and Ruth Omland, Cleve and Melody Oliver, Jim and Bev Higley, Beryl and Bob Adams;
David and Neusa Lipsi, Johnnie and Ruth Jenkins. Joe and KunCha Schwartz, Gary and Barbara Hudson; Jerry, Betty and David Harell,
Gordon and June Gustafson, Grace Harding; Fred and Jacquie Cotton, Leslie Cotton, Bill and Zenobia Dunn, Dwight Dunn,
Vannie Jones, Dick and Pam McClain; Beatrice, William, Jessica, Patrick and Kristina Weiler; Stalker and Gerry Reed,
Bill and Pat Scott, Shirley Vaucher.

Day participants: Dick and Susan Rhone, Dale Burke, Nicola Burke, Steve and Mary Jo Rekedal.

Check out some Pictures in the Photobook.

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