
I just received this (Feb. 5) from a former co-worker and a Christian friend in Panama and wanted to share this with you.

Hi Bob:

I just want to share with you one of the many blessings the Lord has given
us this new year.  Last Monday (Jan.28) afternoon my husband had a car
accident.  A truck passed the red light, hitting my husband's car, which
spinned and finally turned upside down in the middle of Tumba Muerto Avenue.
Employees from Ricardo P�rez (the auto dealer) went to take out "the body".
They were surprised when, by His Mercy, "the Body" came out by the rear
window of the Vitara, concious, no scars, no fractures and without bleeding!

Let me tell you, when I reached to the scene and saw the car upside down by
the driver's side, and all the windows broken, I imagined that he had cuts
all over his face and arms, and that his arms and feet were broken.  Chino
told me that the impact and the spinning happened so fast, that he was just
expecting the violent hit to the ground.   Instead, when the car was in the
air, he felt as if "someone" was holding the car and "put it softly in the
ground".  Now I understand why he came out with the victory.

Another unexplainable fact:  the driver's side of the car has the bomp on
top of the rear tire, the front part of the car hit the truck when the
Vitara was spinning, but .... although the car turned upside down on the
driver's side, the painting of Chino's door has no scratches.  Even though
the windows crushed, the painting is intact as it was before the accident!!
Definitively, the Lord took care of him.

We have experienced the protecting touch of the Lord in our family.  We have
received the warm hug of our family, friends and Church.  We know that we
have not completed our mission in His Path, but we are committed to serve
Him with all our mind, heart and soul.

God bless you and your family,

On His Plan For Your Mate

26 Guards

Night Before Jesus


Two Soldiers

.......Corrie Ten Boom, the Dutch survivor of Nazi gas chambers, told of this trhilling triumph in persecution.

A group of believers was meeting in an Iron Curtain country when the church door burst open and two Russian soldiers with submachine guns strode in. They said they would give five minutes for anyone to leave ,who wished to renounce Christ.

As each person searched his heart for the courage to face death, a few got up and left. The officers then walked to the door of the church, locked it, and turned to the congregation with the words. "Brothers and sisters in Christ, we are believers, too, but we did not want to worship where everyone was not completely committed to Christ and willing to die for Him. May we become part of your fellowship?"

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