Crispy's Leftovers

aka Recipes to What Crispy Has Been Eating!

Yes- I've been updated on June 9th!

So, I'm doing this in a hurry tonight. I may not get something in every category. I just wanted make sure you all had a little something new while I'm gone! Enjoy!
As usual, I'm posting the recipes to whatever is cooking in my kitchen, including comments on how they turned out. Have a question? A new recipe you think I'd like? Send it on!

[email protected]

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"Try them, try them and you may I say!"

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Entree of the Week

Crispy Ranch Chicken

Found this one in a magazine somewhere. It's totally easy and totally yummy!

1 Packet Powdered Ranch Dressing Mix
1/4 cup Bread Crumbs
6-8 pieces Chicken, whatever you like

Combine dressing and bread crumbs in bag. Shake to mix. Add chicken and shake until well coated. Bake until done, around 375F, anywhere from 30 - 50 minutes, depending on what kind of chicken parts you're using. (Don't overcook your breasts! That goes for suntanning, too!)

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Yummy Treat of the Week

Coming Attractions!

Well, I really don't have time to do this, so I'll just give you a preview of coming attractions! Martha Stewart Living this month has a great article about a guy in Texas who makes ice cream out of things like roses and lavender. Sounds awesome! Of course, for those she doesn't give recipes. I'll be experimenting soon...

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Side Dish or Veggie of the Week

Nuked Pots

In English, that translates to baked potatoes, the easy way. That's right - you can get tasty baked potatoes in about 15 minutes! Here's what you do:

Wash a nice baking potato. Cut a slit into it lengthwise. Microwave it about 4 minutes on high. (A little longer if it's particularly large.) Remove from nuker and wrap in foil. Now put it someplace warm, for example inside an oven mitt, or wrapped in a towel. Let it incubate roughly ten minutes or so. Roll it on the counter to soften a bit more. Open and enjoy!

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Something Extra

A Hint on Freezing Strawberries

Nothing new - I'll just leave this up for now! Enjoy...

Ahhh Strawberries...Erdbeeren...Fraise...Ichigo...A wonderful fruit. Alas! Try to freeze them whole and they turn into a quivering mass of mushy red flavorless water. It's so sad. Fear not! Help is here - Mom to the rescue! Says Mom, "Fork them to death. (*Sorry - after 30 years, her English still isn't so hot! She means crush them - SEE PINEAPPLES, ABOVE.*) Mix with sugar or artificial sweetener to taste. Pack them in serving size freezer baggies and freeze." Thanks, Mom!!

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