Crispy's Leftovers

aka Recipes to What Crispy Has Been Eating!

Yes- I've been updated on May 8th!

Nicki asked me to add a "Pregnancy Recipe of the Week," (Tell you anthing? ;)) But, she needs to send me a recipe first. Also, I'm planning on making the previous weeks' searchable or adding an index maybe. Hang on - it's coming! In the meantime...I'll be posting the recipes to whatever is cooking in my kitchen, including comments on how they turned out. Have a question? A new recipe you think I'd like? Send it on!

[email protected]

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"Try them, try them and you may I say!"

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Entree of the Week

Scallop Spinach Teriyaki

This one is also from the paper a couple weeks ago. It also seems that asparagus is going for about $.99 a pound up here. How does that compare to your locale? Anyway, I tried this one and it's yummy. It depends heavily on the sauce you use - make sure it's a good one!

1 1/2 pounds Sea Scallops
1 cup Teriyaki Sauce
1 Tbs. Peanut Oil (I used canola and it was fine, too)
12 oz. Asparagus
1 Tbs. Fresh Chives for garnish

Marinate scallops in teriyaki sauce at room temp for one hour.
Cut off tough ends of aspargus (remember from last week? Bend the stalk and where it bends is where the tough part starts/ends) and slice into 2-inch pieces.
Heat oil in skillet over med-high heat. Drain scallops, reserving 1/2 cup of marinade, and stir fry in small batches. Cook about 1 1/2 minutes per side. Put them on a plate and keep them warm. Cook asparagus in skillet, about 3 minutes, shaking pan conastantly. Add them to the plate with the scallops. Pour the reserved marinade into the skillet and cook about 3 minutes.
Pour sauce over scallops and asparagus and garnish with chives. Serve immediately with rice or pasta.

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Yummy Treat of the Week

Apple Pie Lasagna

Actually, I'm still polishing off those Chocolate Fantasy Bars from last week and haven't made any new tasty treats. But, since I did make a "real" lasagna this week, this seems an appropriate addition. My brother is the one who started making this - it sounds a bit strange, but it's really good!

Filling Topping
    2 cups Shredded Cheddar
    1 cup Ricotta Cheese
    1 Egg, beaten
    1/4 cup Sugar
    1 tsp Almond Extract
    2 cups Apple Pie Filling (canned!)
    8 Lasgna Noodles, cooked
6 Tbs Flour
6 Tbs Brown Sugar
1/4 cup Oats
1/2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Nutmeg
3 Tbs Magarine
1/4 cup Sour Cream mixed with 1/3 cup Brown Sugar

Combine all ingredients for the filling, except Apple Pie Filling and Noodles. In 13*9 pan, layer apple pie filling, noodles, mixed filling, noodles, and pie filling. Combine all dry ingredients for the topping and then cut in the butter. Sprinkle over lasagna. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes. Serve with garnish.

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Side Dish or Veggie of the Week

Chilled Horenso

Sounds exotic, doesn't it? Well, "horenso" is just Japanese for spinach, and this is one of their favourite ways of preparing it.

Spinach - one bunch will make 3-4 side dishes
Soy sauce or your favourite salad dressing
Sesame Seeds

Wash spinach well, but don't cut off anything yet. Boil a nice big pot of water, adding a dash of salt if you feel inspired. Gather spinach, keeping leaves on same end. Add to pot, holding ends (the non-leaf side) in the water for 15 seconds before dumping the whole thing in. Cook, stirring, maybe 1 minute or so.
Pour immediately into sieve and run cold water over the spinach. Gather cooked spinach together, again, leaf sides all on the same end. Twist all together, pressing to remove last of the water, so you have like a "cylinder" or "roll" of cooked spinach. Place on cutting board, slice off and discard pink/white ends. Slice (like you would the refrigerated cookie doughs) and place slices in individual dishes. Chill. Before serving, sprinkle with soy sauce or dressing and top with sesame seeds.

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Something Extra

Add some spinach to your lasagna!

Nothing too exciting here this week. I did make some lasagna this week, though, and I had also just made some Horenso. So, I added a layer of cooked spinach to the ricotta and spag sauce. Turned out very tasty!

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