Crispy's Leftovers

aka Recipes to What Crispy Has Been Eating!

Yes- I've been updated on May 17th!

Well, Mom is visiting. You might think, "Oh, how nice of her to want to see her daughter!" But, the truth is, she wouldn't be here if Pavarotti wasn't in town. In any case, we've been cooking with a theme again this week. Seafood and strawberries.
As usual, I'm posting the recipes to whatever is cooking in my kitchen, including comments on how they turned out. Have a question? A new recipe you think I'd like? Send it on!

[email protected]

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"Try them, try them and you may I say!"

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Entree of the Week

Seafood Pasta

This great recipe comes from the Parade magazine waaay back in October 1985. An oldie, but goodie, you might say.

1/2 cup (1 stick) Butter (Please health nuts, don't run away!)
1/2 cup Olive Oil
1 cup Dry White Wine
6 cloves Garlic, minced
Good-sized pinch Oregano, crushed
1 Tbsp. Rosemary, crushed (well, the recipe says 1 tsp, but Mom says to increase it!)
1 28oz. can Italian Tomatoes, drained and chopped
1 large Onion, chopped
3 cups Miscellaneous Shellfish - crabmeat, shrimp, scallops, whatever
1/2 cup Parsley, minced (really superfluous except for the coloring)
1 tsp. Sugar
Salt and Pepper
Your favourite pasta, recipe suggests angel hair, thin spags, or fettucine

Put butter and olive oil into a large skillet over medium heat, cooking until butter is melted and mixture bubbles. Add wine, garlic, oregano, rosemary, and onion. Cook until wine evaporates and butter is golden. Reduce heat to medium, add tomatoes, shellfish, parsley, sugar, salt and pepper. Taste it. (Yummy, isn't it?) Adjust the seasonings to taste. Stir until seafood is just heated.
Serve over hot pasta.

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Yummy Treat of the Week

Strawberry Milk Shakes

Strawberries are still really cheap and really delicious up here right now. Even Mom has admitted that they are better than in Colorado. (Is it possible?) Anyway, these are a work in progress. I tried it with Ginger Ice Cream to unbelievably incredibly wonderful results, but have not been able to duplicate it with vanilla ice cream and ginger. This is not to say that they're not good this way, but I'm working on improving them, too. OK?

Strawberries - maybe 6 - 8 nice red juicy almost overripe ones
Vanilla ice cream - a small scoop (Be creative - try different flavors!)
Milk - a nice swig

Haul out the old blender or food processor - yes, technology helps with this recipe. Cut the berries into quarters and dump them in. Add the ice cream and milk. Can you guess what to do next? Yes- visualize whirled strawberries! Blend those puppies! Enjoy!

OOPS! I hope you remembered to put it into a glass before enjoying it. If you didn't, you're probably on the way to the ER for stitches in your tongue. I hope that isn't the case! :)

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Side Dish or Veggie of the Week

Seafood Salad

This recipe originally came to the fam' from Chacouterie WienerDog Metzgerei in Hof, where my cousin worked way back when. Back then it was but a lowly shrimp salad, and, yeah, we have elevated it to an imitation crab salad. Yum. Seriously, it's really good, cool and refreshing, and even makes an elegant lunch dish.

About 1/2 cup Mayo
A few good squirts of Lemon Juice
Plenty of Dill Weed
About a 15 oz can Crushed Pineapple (if they're whole, just tell them how their hopes and dreams will never be realized!)
About 1 pound of Imitation Crab Meat

Mom and Etsuko must have gone to the same cooking school because they both always say, "Always about!" In other words, wing it with the amount of ingredients. It'll be good!

Mix Mayo with lemon juice and add dill and pineapple (including the juice!). Slice the crab meat into small chunks, almost shredded. Stir it into the mayo mix. It goes well with a good French bread.

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Something Extra

A Hint on Freezing Strawberries

Ahhh Strawberries...Erdbeeren...Fraise...Ichigo...A wonderful fruit. Alas! Try to freeze them whole and they turn into a quivering mass of mushy red flavorless water. It's so sad. Fear not! Help is here - Mom to the rescue! Says Mom, "Fork them to death. (*Sorry - after 30 years, her English still isn't so hot! She means crush them - SEE PINEAPPLES, ABOVE.*) Mix with sugar or artificial sweetener to taste. Pack them in serving size freezer baggies and freeze." Thanks, Mom!!

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