More Straight Stitches

Stem stitch, outline stitch and wheat stitch are stitches with very little stretch, and as such, are perfect for using as the first row on the necklines of bishop style garments. Use a long piece of thread to try to avoid ending off and joining on in the center of the row, as this will often show in your work as an uneven stitch. Make a habit of regularly holding your fabric up and letting the needle dangle down freely, to untwist the thread, as you stitch.

Stem Stitch

stem stitch   Begin as per instructions for starting a row of stitches. Stem stitch is made with the needle passing horizontally through the pleat and with the thread always under the needle. Give a gentle upward tug as you finish each stitch. Work slowly. Keep your tension constant and use the tip of your needle to straighten up as you go along. Remember to keep the "bite" of your stitches consistent...

Outline Stitch

  Begin as before. Outline stitch is made with the needle passing horizontally through pleat and with the thread always over the needle. Gently tug the thread downward as each stitch is finished. outline stitch

Wheat Stitch

wheat stitch   1. Stitch a row of outline stitch.

  2. Directly below this stitch a row of stem stitch.

  Work slowly and carefully, straightening up your stitches as you go with the tip of your needle. No fabric should show between the two rows.

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