David Bowie - Top of the Pops program
Queens, NY - June 2, 2002
Pics and story by DEmerson
What an incredible experience this one was!
50 lucky BowieNeters were the audience for this taping of the popular British TV show Top of the Pops. We were all treated to an up-close Bowie show (I was about 5' from DB) - just amazing.
For the first set, Bowie wore a cool looking tweed suit, and he and the band did 4 songs from the upcoming Heathen CD. Songs performed were:
Slow Burn
Gemini Spacecraft
Everyone Says Hi

Then he went and changed into a green suit and tie, and they did Sound and Vision, Ashes to Ashes, Fame and then Absolute Beginners (dueting with bassist Gail Ann Dorsey).  Then they did one more take of Slow Burn.

Bowie was - as usual - very relaxed and witty, telling jokes and just being his usual incredibly charming self in between songs. He did a lot of dancing during Sound and Vision and Ashes especially. Just SO cool.  It really was just an incredible day.

After the taping, he signed plenty of autographs and then posed for pictures with people when he came down to his car later.  THANK YOU BOWIENET and THANK YOU MR. BOWIE for one of the best days!!!
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Me (DEmerson) with David Bowie! woo hoo!
Sean (EoS) with David Bowie.
Bowie signing autographs after the show
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