Here are a few questions that I get from time to time.  Feel free to visit my guestbook or email me and ask me any question you like.
the artist
the gallery
Site created and maintained by Mark Cowper
Cowper, Ink Enterprises, 2002
Artwork of your house, for your home.
Q.  How long have you been rendering houses and homes?
Q.  What types of equipment do you use?
A.  For nearly 3 years now I have used a Zig Millenium from their Memory Series collection.  I know it's normally used for scrap books, but I find the consistency of the pen masterful with a great deal of durability.  It's also disposable, which is the best part of all.  Nearly all lines are done with a 005 tip.  The shaded areas are completed with an 03, 05, and 08.

I use a Crescent Cold Press 100 board which is really sturdy.  The pens I use barely bleed, and the pigment really picks up on this type of mat board.  The cold press offers that antique feel to the pictures, so each of the renderings have a hint of bone on the background.
A.  I have been doing this off and on for about 20 years.  When I was 13, I did my house with an old quill pen I received from my grandmother.  After that, I loved doing it so much, I really wanted to be an architect.  I took drafting classes in high school and a little 2-D design in college.  Everything else just comes to me.  This is the  gift, graciously given to me and I am happy to share with others
Q.  Are you going to sit in my front yard for hours completing your work?
A.  Thankfully, the answer to that is a resounding "no".  As much as I love the outdoors, it would not be condusive to my work!  I may spend about a half hour taking some time to find the right angle to the home.  But from there I take pictures and work from those.

For an example, take a look at "Arden" from my 2002 collection.
Q.  What are your prices?
A.  Please refer to my Ordering page.
Q.  Who is your favorite artist?
A.  Aside from the Creator, I would say Norman Rockwell and  Frank Lloyd Wright.  I know that opens a can of worms with the art community, because both are not considered artists.  Sure...then what are they?
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