the artist
the gallery
Site created and maintained by Mark Cowper
Cowper, Ink Enterprises, 2002
Artwork of your house, for your home.
Yeah, that's me.  Grew up in Wilton,                CT.  A great little town right near New               York, and just a bike ride from the Long        Island Sound.  I miss that town.  I                    moved to the midwest after college, and           have been here ever since.  The finest       people I have known in my life are from            Wilton. 

The homes of Wilton are fantastic.  The architecture leaves little room for improvement, if any.  I admired every home I walked into.  I aspired to be an architect when I was younger.  But. the brutal truth came through when my physics and math skills did not cut the mustard. So onto the back burner it went.  I still have time.

I believe that my love for architecture came from my hometown.  For a young kid, I knew alot about gables , and the difference between an English Tudor and a  Victorian.  So, as an artist at heart, I began sketching and drawing houses.  Ones that exist and ones that are yet to be built.

After college, I started to sell my artwork.  I painted horses, sketched houses, and even did a  few portraits.  But my favorite is still the home rendering.

I love doing this.  I lose track of time the minute I sit at my drafting table.  It is a gift, for sure.  I have not taken any formalized training, except for some drafting classes in high-school.  Everything else has come naturally.  God has blessed me with this gift.  I'd like to share it with you or someone you know.  Take some time now and email me.  Thank you again for visiting!
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