Why They Kill
written Tuesday April 2, 2002
It's something no one wants to talk about. Yet it's every parent's worst nightmare. It hurts to even think about it. With child sexual abuse, perhaps they could learn to heal. They'd have the time, but not if they're dead. So, dare we ask "Why they kill?"

What would make someone drawn to the beauty of youth want to destroy it? Women are expected to fill the roll of the clean, wrinkleless, hairless, pure form, but not everyone can settle for that. There's nothing more dangerous than repression. By driving those attractions underground, society forces it to come out in other ways. If society openly talked about it, there wouldn't be violence associated with it. Push it down, then people get desperate. Thus we have kidnappings and killings. "She's going to tell on me. I had to do that." Suppression often brings out the worst in people. The people who act out in the most violently extreme ways are quiet in social events, whereas expressives aren't likely to snap. For example, his boss yells at him and he takes it. When he gets home, he thinks about what he "should have done". The next day or maybe a year later he goes into work and snaps.

If you're going to hunt them like animals and back them against a wall, what do you think they're going to do? They'll lash out instinctively to protect themselves. It's human nature. that's why police have moved away from car chases. If he doesn't feel threatened, then he'll slow down and be less dangerous (to himself and others). One of the reasons that there haven't been as many kidnappings followed by murders of boys is because those who are drawn to boys now have a large network online (based in Canada) where they can talk about their feelings (although angry people try to shut such things down). Society says they are evil, vile monsters, and they begin to believe it and act appropriately. Yet the network says that friendship can exist and they aren't monsters and they aren't alone. It's the same motive behind people with rare illnesses seeking out others with the same problems. When they feel hunted and alone, they become desperate.

What if you told a man attracted to women that he can't be around women. His feelings aren't natural, but yours are. One can't deny those type of feelings. It drives a person mad. Yet, "It's something that no one talks about." Perhaps that should change.

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