Subordinated Groups

International Priory of Templar Comunion

Subordinated Groups
General Comendadoria of Brazil
General Bailio of Chile
Embassy in Mexico
General Preceptory of Paraguay

General Priory formed by the PICT

General Priori of Colombia

Priorado Geral da França

Charges and Grades

International Priory of Templar Comunion

The promotion within the Order takes place through presence, study and work inside the Order. Should there be any special circumstances this would taken in consideration by the Prioral Council, making the respective explanations.

Combat Branch

1) Applicant: Is that person who shows interest in the Order and has submitted the documents required previoulsy.
2) Novice: Is that person from which an application form has been received in the Order and has been accepted by the Chapter He has the right to participate in the open meetings and other activities related to the Order. They are referred to as “N. Br. or Novice Brother”.
3) Squire: Is the name given to refer to that person who is under 16 years old. He makes a pledge of respect and work towards the objectives of the Priory. He has the right and the obligation to participate in the open meetings as well as closed ones. In the Chapter, he lacks of vote but nonetheless has a voice. His formation is under supervision on the Br. "Confaloniero". His uniform is a black mantle, with a small red cross over the heart. It is necessary to have the approval of the Father or Tutor. 
4) Sargent: Anyone who is admitted who is over 18 years old unless the Priory dispenses it, approved in the Chapter. He pledges to defend the objectives and principles of the Order and the Priory. He receives the templar initiation. He has the right and duty to participate both in open meetings as in closed ones. He does not count with a vote in the Chapter, but has the right to express an opinion. His uniform consists in a black mantle, with a red cross in the center in the front and back. And a cross hanging from the neck. From this point on he can use the name “Fr+”
He must reunite de following conditions:

a) Be a righteous person
b) Be over 18 years old
c) Be of help to the goals set by the Order

5) Flame Branch: His uniform is a rectangular cloth hanging from the neck joined in by the abdomen with the red templar cross.

Charges of the Priory

The following charges are part of the Prioral Council:

1) General Prior: The Prior is the most important authority in the Priory. He presides the Prioral Council and the Chapters, owing obedience to God, the Prioral Council, the Master and the Magister Council of the Order. 
2) Chancellor: It is the authority delegated of the General Prior, in any matter both in and outside the Priory. It is his duty to give faith in the diplomas, decrees, patents letters for the formation of Preceptories or Commanderies and other documents of the International Priory.  
3) Seneschal: He replaces the General Prior if he was to absent for sickness or death, until the election of a new General Prior takes place. He takes decisions alongside with the General Prior. 
4) Marshall: He is the third authority of the Priory. As he performed the role of Chief Commander in the military actions, nowadays he executes the humanitarian, cultural and related activities. 
5) Treasurer: He is the one responsible of everything that is related to charging the dote and annual fee. He is incharge of the account books. He presents the annual balance, expenses bill, resources and inventary to the General Prior. He signs receits and other documents. All in all he is in charge of all the economic and financial activity that goes in the entity.
6) Preceptor: He is the guardian of the internal affairs of the Priory. He is charge of making sure that the aims, objectives and other dispositions of the Order are respected. He initiates the files of those who had disciplinary problems, or members that did not follow the general rules. It is his responsability to to take care of the spiritual and doctrinal formation of the brothers. He will provide them with lectures and doctrinal instruction.
7) Master of Ceremonies: He directs the closed meetings, the investitures, and the spiritual retirements. He has rites and their rules under his charge.
8) Chronicler: He carries the Book of Acts and all the written and graphics archives of the Priory. He is a historian of the Order and it’s actions. He reports directly to the General Prior and prepares the reports that could be asked by the Priory Council.


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