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Podelwitz Castle


Podelwitz Castle houses the largest collection of Colditz artifacts outside of the Castle museum. Manfred, the owner of this collection and his family reside here.


Podelwitz_Castle Ralph Manfred

There are many amusing stories surrounding some of the exhibits, in particular the keys and the station sign shown.

Keys Station_sign Station

Podelwitz is approx 3 km from Colditz. Inclusive guided tours are available (subject to numbers), entrance times and directions are also available to the independent traveller.

There is a small coffee shop situated inside the castle serving cakes and refreshments.

Ask our staff for times and prices.

Further information is available using the telephone number or e-mail address below.

Manager Ralf Gorny

Tel. 0049 (0) 34381 53363

e-mail mailto:[email protected]


Last update: 06/12/2017   Colditz Travel.com ©2005