Dear Mr. Gates:







Date:  Thu, 20 September 2007  11:19 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Apec's Four Arrows Up




APEC leaders and representatives pose for a family photo on the final day of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders summit at the Sydney Opera House September 9, 2007. Front row L-R: Brunei's Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, Chile's President Michelle Bachelet, Hong Kong's Chief Executive Donald Tsang, Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clark, Philippine's President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Thailand's Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont and U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab. Back row L-R: Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, China's President Hu Jintao, Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon, Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Michael Somare (hidden), Peru's President Alan Garcia, Singapore's Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Taiwan's economic leader representative Stan Shih, and Vietnam's President Nguyen Minh Triet.

(Will Burgess/Reuters)

Reuters - Sun Sep 9, 3:26 PM ET



In the family photo of APEC leaders at the Sydney Opera House on the final day of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders summit September 9, 2007, the background looks like four arrows pointing upward. Like concomitant with my consent to move up to the eternity, to the heaven above. Not about moving up in politics, of course.

Among the leaders in the photo were Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, New Zealand's Prime Minister Helen Clark, Philippine's President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Thailand's Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont, Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper, China's President Hu Jintao, Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun, Mexico's President Felipe Calderon.

The photo was made after I uploaded my previous letter of "Paris '8' Endeavour".

Although president Bush was also attending the summit, he was not in the photo, he was represented by U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab














Date:  Thu, 20 September 2007  11:28 WesternIndonesiaTime

Subject:  Oil Price Record High of "80" After "Paris ' 8 ' Endeavour"



Oil hits $80 a barrel

for first time



AP Business Writer

Wed Sep 12, 6:21 PM ET


NEW YORK - Oil futures prices rose sharply Wednesday, briefly climbing above a record $80 a barrel after the government reported a surprisingly large drop in crude inventories and declines in gasoline supplies and refinery activity. The report from the Energy Department's Energy Information Administration suggested oil supplies are tightening as demand remains strong.

That's why oil prices are rising despite OPEC's decision on Tuesday to boost crude production by 500,000 barrels per day this fall, analysts said. Despite Wednesday's jump, oil is still well below inflation-adjusted highs hit in early 1980. Depending on the adjustment, a $38 barrel of oil in 1980 would be worth $96 to $101 or more today.

Oil's recent advance has been largely due to speculative buying by big investment funds, who are responding to a price structure in which oil contracts for delivery in future months are cheaper than the current front-month contract, said Jim Ritterbusch, president of Ritterbusch & Associates in Galena, Ill.







Chart shows the price of crude oil; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x 76.2 mm

AP - Wed Sep 12, 4:53 PM ET



Oil hits new high

above $80


Thu Sep 13, 2:37 PM ET



NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil hit an all-time high over $80 a barrel on Thursday after Hurricane Humberto forced the closure of some U.S. Gulf refiners, stoking concerns of fuel supply shortfalls. U.S. crude traded up 9 cents to $80.00 a barrel by 2:15 p.m. EDT, after hitting a record $80.20 earlier. London Brent crude gave up 23 cents to $77.45 a barrel. U.S. gasoline futures soared in early activity after Hurricane Humberto shut oil shipping channels and three refineries as it slammed onshore in Texas, before being downgraded to a tropical storm.

"We have a storm working its way to American facilities. We have an economic crisis, so many things are affecting ... prices," said Hasan Qabazard, director of OPEC's research division.

"Modest demand growth combined with no significant supply increases has caused oil inventories to decline sharply, creating backwardation in the oil forward curve, which is a very bullish signal," said Jeffrey Currie of Goldman Sachs.


Oil breaks 80 dollars on supply, storm fears


by Antoine Agasse

Wed Sep 12, 4:16 PM ET


NEW YORK (AFP) - Crude oil prices burst into record territory Wednesday as New York futures topped 80 dollars a barrel, with traders fretting over a big drop in US reserves and a new tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico.

The contract for light, sweet crude for October delivery closed at 79.91 dollars, a jump of 1.68 dollars, after peaking at 80.18 dollars. That smashed the record of 78.77 dollars on August 1.

In London, the price of Brent North Sea crude for October delivery settled up 1.30 dollars to 77.68 dollars per barrel after rising as high as 77.93 dollars, approaching the all-time high of 78.60 dollars on that exchange.

Prices shot higher after news that US crude reserves fell by a sharper-than-expected 7.1 million barrels over the past week. "The seven-million barrels drop in crude oil stocks was the primary surprise" of the Department of Energy report, Citigroup analyst Tim Evans said.









A new record high of oil price emerged on Wednesday 12 September 2007 piercing the level of US $ 80. It was a few days after my letter of  'Paris "8" Endeavour' dated 4 September 2007.

The title 'Paris "8" Endeavour' is related with my consent to move up to the eternity. Because the word Endeavour is like having the meaning of  "end a four", and since in Dutch or German the word "four" is "fir", so the "end a four" is like "end a firman". In other words, the title  'Paris "8" Endeavour' has the meaning of "Paris Hilton aids the end of Firman", to help me move to he eternity.

It becomes more significant for me since it happened after  "Anita Roddick Died" on 10 September 2007. The first name of Anita Roddick reminded me with a former neighbor of mine Anita who once developed a close relationship with me in 1982, and after she turned to another man then the oil price dropped sharply to the record low of below US $ 6, a disastrous price for certain oil producing countries including Indonesia..

Since then I felt guilty for becoming like a trigger of disaster.

It could have been the worst mistake I have ever done. I should have not falling in love with her , because after all my condition was inappropriate to become someone beside her. Her father was a famous figure, a member of the parliament, one of the leaders of huge Indonesian Islamic organization. While I was only an incoherent artist working some small printing business and printing design. My falling in love with her could jeopardize the equilibrium of human interaction, considering my unbalance position with her in the society.

So now that the oil price has reached a record high of US $ 80 after my letter of  'Paris "8" Endeavour' it could be the answer to this problem of mine, and the solution will be to focus on my consent to move to the eternity with significant aid from Paris Hilton.

May God help me with my consent, for the good of this world.













A.M. Firmansyah

[email protected]

Tel. +62812 183 1538










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