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Plant Badge



War Cry
Plant Badge
Contrary to popular belief, the Plant Badge, as opposed to the tartan, is what distinguished the clans during battle. Each clansman wore in his bonnet, a sprig or leaf of the plant (probably chosen by the chief) believed to be somewhat exclusive, or indigenous, to their Clan's land.  During the early times, the "fiery cross" (a wooden cross with a rag dipped in sheep's blood on one end, and a fire lit on the other) was sent out to summon the Clan to battle (to ignore this summons was often punishable by death).  They often wore simple clothing (often a saffron cloth) with muted checks (if any at all) that could hardly be used to distinguish them during battle, especially at night.  There for a sprig or leaf of a certain plant was used to quickly identify which clan a highlander was a part of.
The Oliphant Plant Badge is the Maple leaf (
Croabh Mhalip in Gaelic), which was worn in battle by all members of the Clan.  This was worn alone by general clansmen, with one eagle feather by an armigerous (one bearing arms) clansman, with two eagle feathers by a Chieftain, and with three eagle feathers by the Chief.
The maple leaf; worn by Clan Oliphant
A plant badge can be seen above as worn by a Clansman
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