The Pit and the Pendulum
A Poe Compilation


After he left West Point in disgrace, Poe was welcomed into the home of his aunt, Maria Clemm and despite living in poverty, is said to have become enamored with her daughter, Virginia. Wheather their relationship was pushed by Maria or occured naturally, the 27 year old Poe was soon engaged to be married with the only thirteen year old Virginia. Regardless of the true initiation of their romance, Poe and Virginia were said to have been incredibly happy together as he worked as a magazine writer and literary critic.

They moved to New York soon after their marriage before heading to Philagelphia in 1838. Despite his successful work and increasing fame, Poe still suffered from lack of funds. In 1842, Virginia contracted tuberculosis and died at the age of 24 in a tiny country cottage.

Poe is said to have initiated a few other relationships in the next few years; including the poetess Sarah Helen Whitman and his former fiancee, the now widowed Almira Shelton. Nevertheless, it is believed that Virginia remained the inspiration of his many romantially tragic poems, including 'Lenore' and the last complete poem he ever wrote; 'Annabel Lee'.

Inexplicable Death

Two years after Virginia's death, Poe was journeying to Philadelphia when he dissapeared. This occured during a stop in Baltimore, and his location remained unknown for five days. On the third of October he was eventually found on delirious on the streets dressed in someone else's clothes and was taken to Washington Medical College. He died four days later on Sunday, October 7, 1849. The cause of his death remains a mystery since all of his medical records have been lost. However, there has been speculation that has ranged from syphilis and cholera to drug overdose. All of them of course are left unproven and to this day Poe's demise is surrounded in obscurity.