Among the amenities at Cinnabar, we have a heated pool, hot tub, barbecues and a Clubhouse.
There are four unit layouts that comprise the 126 units.  Visit here for a description of each type.  

contact us

If you are a homeowner with an issue to discuss or problem to report, please call Heywood Realty.

Meandering walkways and grassy knolls provide variety and a park-like atmosphere in the community.  Visit here for more information on the community’s physical layout.  A property map is linked to this page.

The Association is financially healthy and uses wise money management to maintain the property.  Visit here to learn more about how the Association operates.

Cinnabar is situated near grocery stores, a Post Office, a park and residents have quick access to the City’s freeway systems.  Visit here for more information about the neighborhood.

Each month the Association publishes a newsletter documenting newsworthy events and that month’s Board meeting.  Visit here for the current newsletter.

Cinnabar Homeowners Association
June 2000

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