Books of Shadows
Magical Properties of Herbs


Chamomile Flowers Framed Photograph

anthemis nobilis
matricaria chamomilla

GENDER: Masculine
PLANETS: Sun or Venus

Good as a meditation incense for centering.
Peace, Healing and Money

Plant camomile in your garden to be the guardian
of the land, and you will have certain success.

The strong association chamomile has with the Sun
is an underlying indication of its modern usage.

Through incense or ritual drink
it is used to assist a priest's call upon a Sun god
(working with any of the solar deities).
Some traditions have used chamomile at Midsummer
to give honor to the Father of Nature.

Useful in solar holidays, chamomile
has been incorporated into Yule traditions.

Options are endless, ranging from using it
as a bathing herb for the male chosen
to represent the newly born Sun to powdering
it and spooning onto burning coals to cense
the temple area and prepare it
for a celebration of solar magick.

Chamomile, though not commonly recognized
for it's magick, carries the magick
of success and may be included in most recipes.

Used in calming and sleep incenses and brews.

From "A Modern Herbal" and Full Moon Paradise

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs

Deep Steep Bath Tea Canister - Lavender Chamomile

'Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over,
it became a butterfly'...

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