Chamomile, German Flowers Whole (Matricaria chamomilla) 1 lb: K

Remember, it is forbidden to live in a town
which has no garden or greenery."
Kiddushin 4:12

Chamomile is an annual fragrant herb,
the flowers of which make a wonderful, soothing tea.
It originates in southern and eastern Europe.
It is a member of the daisy family and it's flowers have a bitter taste.
Only use the first 3-4 inches of foliage or the flowers of this plant.
The rest is unusable.
Other than for teas, Chamomile is mainly used for medicinal purposes.

Chamomile fragrance is reminiscent of apples.
It grows readily in less than perfect conditions and can
be used as a Ground Cover.
It has silver-white flowers with yellow centers.
German chamomile is the most frequently used
type for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal Uses of Chamomile
Be happy while you're living,
For you're a long time dead.
Scottish Proverb

Chamomile is a versatile herb medicinally that treats
a plethora of common ailments.
Generally, there are three categories of use
- as an anti-inflammatory for the skin, as an anti-infective
for many common ailments, and as an anti-spasmodic
for such problems as stomach cramps and indigestion.
Used in a Tea, or in Capsule form, Chamomile flowers are used
internally for many common physical symptoms,
including menstrual cramps, stomach cramps, indigestion,
flatulence, diarrhea, fever, colds, congestion, headaches,
insomnia, nausea, vomiting, stress, nervousness, and poor digestion.
For babies, it is helpful with symptoms of colic and teething pain. 

Externally, Chamomile flowers can be ground into a paste
(grind with mortar & pestle and add some water or unsweetened tea
- add oatmeal slowly as needed for consisteency) and used to treat
skin irritations such as ulcers, infections, rashes, and burns.
The flowers can also be used in a bath to ease the pain
of hemorrhoids and cystitis, and the essential Oil
can be applied to combat neuralgia and eczema.
To prepare a bath, put a handful of flowers in a mesh bag,
hang it on the tap using string or whatever, and run
the bath water over it.
Use the same bath water, or an unsweetened tea,
on brown hair to create golden highlights.

Lastly, Chamomile flowers can be used in a steam inhaler
for respiratory and allergic problems such as asthma,
hay fever, and sinusitis. 

Chamomile in Magic and Superstition
It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop.
- Confucius

Chamomile is bound to sun & water.
It is used magically for money, sleep, love, peace,
tranquility, and purification. 
To attract a lover, run a bath with a bag of Chamomile
under the tap water, and wash body, face, and hair with the water.
Also, use it in a bath for peace and tranquility when you are angry or hurt.

Wash your hands or bathe in Chamomile if you are a gambler
- it is said to increase your chances of winnning.    

Place Chamomile in your pillow for peaceful sleep.

Use Chamomile to attract money
by carrying with you in charms or burning in rituals.
Sprinkle the dried flowers around your property to protect
from spells or curses. 

Chamomile Recipes
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Virginia Woolf

Chamomile Tea
4 cups of water
4 teaspoons of dried Chamomile flowers
honey to taste
lemon juice to taste
Bring water to boil, then add Chamomile flowers,
cover, and boil for around 30 more seconds.
Remove from heat and let stand for 2 minutes.
Strain, and add honey and lemon to taste.
Makes 4 cups.



In green old gardens, hidden away
From sight of revel and sound of strife, -
Here have I leisure to breathe and move,
And to do my work in a nobler way;
To sing my songs, and to say my say;
To dream my dreams, and to love my love;
To hold my faith, and to live my life,
Making the most of its shadowy day.

Violet Fane [1843-1905]

They called me a Greenwoman

From Firethorn by Sarah Micklem

Chamomile, Roman Flowers Whole (Chamaemelum nobile) 1 lb: C

Aura Cacia Roman Chamomile -- .5 fl oz

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"The warrior understands that to go beyond the Earth Plane,
he or she will have to collect experiences.
By experiencing life, you become familiar with it;
by coming familiar with it, you go beyond fear."
Stuart Wilde


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