The Way
The Mailing list is rated "R". The Church of Mimic is a mature MLP club, but certain guidelines of reasonably good taste must be adhered to . It's a long list, but a lot of it is just common sense, and we to make sure everyone understands everything.
  • All topics may be discussed on the mailing list as long as they are MLP related.
  • By the same token, please be prepared for conversations that might be potentially offensive to you personally, spiritually, emotionally or otherwise. We welcome all views in here, and one day you may present a "firey" topic. Please be patient and do not be insulting.
  • NO HENTAI conversation. PERIOD. Sexually explicit emails are not allowed. Sexually oriented conversation is fine. But nothing graphic or extremly detailed. Leave something to the imagination.
  • Mature arguments and "spirited discussions" are fine and encouraged. If theses "conversations" get too vulgar, obnoxious or nasty, take them to private email. If other members start asking you to take an argument private, please take the hint and do so.
  • Each member is listed to one want list, trade list, sale list, auction notice per week. Do *NOT* constantly post these lists. Use other places for that.
  • Do *NOT* send emails to the list asking for pony identification, rarity questions ect. Take that to other places meant for that.
  • It is acceptable to post a link to an auction or page on the mailing list if it is of some interest to the Church (an ugly fakie, an outrageous auction ect).
  • DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS. Isn't that annoying? It's shouting and will turn your email box into a river of flame faster then you could imagine.
  • Profanity is fine
  • Name calling is a big no-no. When you start calling someone on the mailing list names, you take it private.
  • Flaming the group at large isn't allowed, and will earn you a quick kick in the butt and probation on the mailing list.
  • You get one warning. That's all. Period. If you don't fix whatever's wrong, then you get punted off the mailing list, and possibly out of the Church.
The Rules
Fakie Hell
Praise Mimic
Join Mimic
Mailing List
Graphics & Site design � IceFeather, used by exclusive liscense

Stainglass of Mimic � Sugarberry, used by her kind permission

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