X-FAN: What's the premise of the mini?

VAUGHAN: When progressive Empire State University decides to make its campus more "genetically diverse" by creating the nation's first affirmative action program for mutants, a mysterious explosion soon kills several of these new students.

In order to find the person (or persons) responsible, the X-Men enroll their youngest member, 18-year-old Jono Starsmore, as an openly homo superior freshman at ESU.

Away from the relative comfort and safety of Xavier's school, Chamber is once again the ultimate outcast. And in order to find the missing killer, our reluctant hero will first have to find what's missing in himself.

FERGUSON: It's not just some fluff put out there to take your money. It's a gut-wrenching story that will really help define who Jono is and where he's going from here ... that's being put out there to take your money!

X-FAN: What would each of you say that you're bringing to the table for this mini?

VAUGHAN: I had fun writing a globetrotting adventure for the Cyclops mini-series, but I think tackling social issues with an action-packed, street-level, character-driven mystery is much more in my wheelhouse. I really like Chamber, and I think I captured his voice... his unique dialect, his brooding self-deprecation, and his dark sense of humor.

FERGUSON: I'm just doing my best to try to stay true to the great story Brian has written and to not let people down when they see those beautiful covers and then open the book. Man, you've got Chris Bachalo on covers, do you know how intimidating that is? The guy CO-CREATED Chamber! His covers are flat-out gorgeous!

VILLARRUBIA: I am doing the coloring in my mixed media, computer painting style. I am trying to make the environments realistic, but give the whole story a fairy-tale quality. Chamber is almost like a supernatural creature, a spirit or a deity. Putting him in college life makes for a very surreal combination.

RAICHT: I love this character. When I first found out we were doing these Icon series', I told everyone that I wanted to edit a Chamber limited series. People kind of looked at me like I was crazy but it's the character I wanted to put into the spotlight. I'm just psyched I could find other people who love the character as much as I do.

X-FAN: What's it like working with each other?

VAUGHAN: It's been amazing. You couldn't ask for two more supportive and easy-going editors than Mike and Mike. Lee Ferguson is an incredibly talented new penciller, and he looks great with Norm Rapmund's inks. Jose Villarrubia? He's the best colorist working today. And having Chris Bachalo, the guy who helped CREATE Chamber, doing kick-ass covers is pretty sweet icing on the cake.

FERGUSON: Aside from being totally intimidated by Chris' cover work, I've had a great time. Since I'm the rookie on the team, I've really tried to pick the brains' of each of the other guys. Not only do I respect each of the other guys' work, but I can also say that I like them all. They're all great guys. Well, I haven't had a chance to talk to Chris, so I can't vouch for him, actually. And since he's giving me anxiety attacks with all of these covers, he's probably really not that great a guy, I'll bet...

I'm kidding, Chris!

But I've talked to the rest of 'em and they're great. And they've been really accommodating. They're all willing to listen to me when I have a "stupid new guy" question or when I throw an idea or two out there, and that's really cool ... I wouldn't blame them at all if they just told me to shut up and draw the book, y'know?

VILLARRUBIA: The rest of the team is great! Mike, Brian, Lee and Norm could not possibly be nicer, and {are} terrific to work with. I am honored to be involved in the project. Lee in particular has been wonderful at accommodating my requests, producing artwork that enhances the kinds or renderings that I do.

RAICHT: Everyone on this project has been great. I would love to work with all of them again in the future.

X-FAN: What do you hope the mini will achieve?

RAICHT: I hope it gives people some insight into what makes Chamber tick, but also make them eager to see where he pops up next. I know that he'll be appearing in Uncanny X-Men again and then... he will be playing a major role in the X-Men universe in the years to come, let's put it that way.

FERGUSON: I'd like to see Jono become a real player in the Marvel Universe. To see him around again on a regular basis, either on the X-Men, on another team, or on his own. I know it sounds silly, but I've missed him. I really dug the character back when Scott and Chris were doing Generation X, and it's good to see him being used again. And I think Brian's story really does justice to what the character is about. He gets this guy.

VILLARRUBIA: I hope that not only X-fans will buy it. While it is told in continuity, anyone can read it.

VAUGHAN: I hope it will have a profound, lasting effect on Chamber... on the way he looks at himself, his outlook on the world, and his relationship with the X-Men.

And I hope it will make fans want to read more stories about Chamber! He may not be an icon yet, but I think he will be.

X-FAN: For more on Chamber, be sure to visit Brian Vaughan's "Vaughanslaught" forum and Lee Ferguson's "Ferg's Floor" forum, right here at X-Fan!
interview originally written for & posted on Comixfan
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