LiNkS eXpLoSion!!!!
Chamber general bio/info
The Chamber Page an old page from way back,  no longer updated
Comix-Fan's Forums Chamber official bio
Unwell- Chamber fanlisting, great great site!
Misunderstandings-Chamber/Husk fanlisting
UncannyXmen.Net's excellent Spotlight bio, with an issue checklist & a cool costume gallery!
Newsarama Interview with Frank Tieri on the Weapon X Defection arc, + more
Comix-Fan Interview with creators of the Chamber Icon limited series. I like how they describe him as a supernatural creature or deity. ^_^
Fanfic- yes, there be slash here  ;-)
Hollow Man Archive- a lovingly maintained site of Chamber slashfic, knock yourselves out. ^_^
Totally Bollixed-Chamber/Skin slash - we knew they were close, but who knew they were that close!? O_o
Now, this is, errr, interesting. After you read Jono's page, check out the rest of the site for this individual's rather eye opening(but well written) view on the mutants. Warning, nudity up the wazoo.
I have scoured the internet with a fine tooth comb. I think Ive found just about everything on the net there is to do with Jono. If I find more i shall add it here. Muahahaha! O_o Be sure to scroll thru everything where you'll find lots of  interesting pages &, er, things.
A Chamber info page by Echo
a nice write up of Jono by, hmmm I dont know- somebody? O_o
ComiX-Fan's Chamber  ongoing discussion thread.Want to talk about Chamber? Join ComiXfan & post here!
This guy made a nice write up about how he'd cast a Gen X movie. Hmmm, dont know about his choice for Jono though.
General X-Men sites
UncannyXMen.Net- a great X-Men resource!
Generation X sites
Generation Next another good site, no longer updated
Comix-Fan- comics info & an excellent forum
Perpetual Metamorph-Husk site
Prismatic Flare-Jubilee site
Mile High Comics- online comics shop
Battlecharger's own interesting take on Chamber's history
Kindred Spirits- great Gen X site with lots of info & just about everything else!
Skin- Superhero from the Barrio
The M Files- Monet site
Proudstar Hall- another Gen X site, with a nice gallery(of which i borrowed some pics from.)
A cute page by Jori Widen & featuring some of Kokochan's art
Next- Generation X fanlisting
Misplaced Heart- A Chamber Homage & Archive
an interesting bio for a RPG...not cannon though
Cyclops vs Chamber thread I found...fascinating discussion...well some of it... <:-P
British Marvels, a pretty nifty British Marvel heroes site, includes an entry on Chamber
Brian K. Vaughan's own website- BKV.TV
Be sure to visit the forum!
Runaways the great site for Runaways info.
another bio from
another extensive & very creative roleplaying bio
Chamber's Wikipedia entry, very up to date!
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