News & Site Updates
pictures, from the comics, lots of them.
um, yeah, links...
Tried for a nice variety & I could add more but then it wont be half as fun as reading them in the comic for the first time.
Chamber is copywrited & owned, scarred body & shattered soul, by Marvel. They also own all the pretty comic book pics displayed on this site. I have used him without permission, but I just want people to get to know him a little better. I aint makin' a dime off this. ^_^
JadedGothGirl Graphics
so now you'll know what Gorden Bennet means & all that other nonsense that comes out of his mouth...errr, well you know what I mean...
web graphics from
Moonfairye's  Mess
other great sites:
If you would like to contribute any fanart, sprites/dolls, avatars, customs, banners  to S/C, please email me!
Link back to S/C!
these were  made by Eowyn Evenstar. Thanks Eowyn!
Little teeny weeny Chambers for you to fall in love with. :P
Chamber...Fanart... oh yes! Click here!
7-6 New Excalibur #9
2-22 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z-#2

7-5 the gallery rehaul is complete for the most part...There are some new artists pages & most of the other pages have had some new scans added, so make sure to check them all out!

also added some new micros to the Micros/Sprites page...

6-28 Another spoilery interview with Frank Tieri regarding his New Excalibur run from Newsarama

I was able to take a whole bunch of scans from Uncanny, Icon mini series #3 & a couple Gen X issues, & the gorgeous Sal Larrocca back cover to one of the Gen X-Gen 13 one shots. They will be added to the gallery shortly...

6-4 Chamber  will appear in New Excalibur #9 in July. Read
more from Newsarama...

Chamber appears in IGN's
top 25 list of X-MEN!

11-25  added new pics to the latest scans gallery

Preview of
Generation M #1 - link from Comixfan. Looks bad. Very bad.:-(

Some good news for a change. Jono is featured in the
All New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z  #2, & appears on the cover.

10- late with the updates again. Unfortunately what Ive been reading regarding the aftermath of House of M sounds pretty bleak for Chamber. here's more info on
Generation M & the Decimation titles. Links are from Newsarama.

got a pretty new banner & changed some of the page link buttons.

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