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  • #1 - What the heck is chemistry?

    Science is just full of questions. 
photo curtesy corbis.com Science, to me anyway, means to understand your surroundings, the world around you. When something happens that you don�t have a clue about (called a phenomenon) you want to know why? For example, why are trees green? or Why do earthquakes happen? What causes things to fall? Remember when you were a toddler? You probably kept asking your mother or father why did things happen over and over again until you annoyed them! Scientists are just like that, they ask why? and they try to figure it out.

    Different parts of science 
photo curtesy corbis.com Now, you don�t have to have a college degree or be really brainy to be a scientist.(contradicting the saying, "well, I�m not a rocket scientist or something!") Trying to understand nature and its changes already makes you one. Now, there are different science fields each differing aspects studying nature and the world. Biologists study the phenomenon of life, and organisms. Geologists study the phenomenon of the earth and it�s rocks and crust. Physicists study the phenomenon of force and motion. Although they study different things, they still are related and interlock as these scientists study the phenomenon of nature,

    model of molecule
photo curtesy corbis.com Now, chemists study atoms and molecules along with their reactions and changes. Of all the sciences, chemistry is special in a way. While the other scientists are studying broad subjects, like the depths of space, or entire ecosystems, chemists, are studying the basics of all matter. Matter, basically, is stuff. So there are chemists almost everywhere there is stuff. There are bio and organic chemists studying the many atoms and molecules of the living organism. There are chemists needed where they make materials including paints, clothes, food, cars, etc.. Although these chemists are in different fields, they learn the exact same things taught in this course.

    All matter is only made up of about 114 elements. a yummy cake!
photo curtesy corbis.com Did you know that everything in the universe is only made up of about 114 types of atoms? Imagine chemistry as English. An entire language is made up of only 26 letters, and out of these 26 letters we get thousands of words forming sentences, paragraphs, letters, books, conversations, articles, and even online chemistry help! Also, think of chemistry as cooking or baking. Like a baker or a chef, a chemist mixes things together in a process to create something totally different. Whether if it�s a new, complicated polymer or a yummy cake!

    congestive smog
photo curtesy corbis.com Now this science is important in the world around us. We use chemistry to determine how congestive smog forms in cities, how ozone reacts with pollutants in the atmosphere, or how the human body creates proteins from the food we eat. With this information we have a better understanding the world around us, so we can prevent pollution, protect the environment, and spawn new treatments for diseases. Wow!

    Problem solving is important in all careers
Photos curtesy corbis.com Now I know your probably thinking that I�m striving to be a full-time chemist, working in a lab or even becoming a chemistry teacher. Well, I seriously don�t! I want to become a doctor. So why do I love chemistry so much as to create a whole website? Well, because chemistry is so important to me, and to the world. I�ll need chemistry to become a better doctor, and you�ll need chemistry to become a better scientist, even if you want to pursue a career in art, law, business, English, history or whatever! Why? because it will help you with an important method in problem solving. That skill is vital in all careers.

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