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Pictures of me at work...
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    Between Sept 98 and May of 2000 I worked for GE TechTeam.  Our Center's two major contracts were Technical Support for Gateway Computers and Warranty Services / Tech Support for Circuit City, as Computer Support Plus.  I had the privilege of working on both projects.  I was a senior technician, resource technician, and trainer on the Gateway project.  I was one of the first technicians to start working at the site and I stuck with them till they closed, unlike many others.  In the projects infancy I was also Backup Team Leader for several of the Team Leaders that started in the first group.  That was a real fun time, only � of the site was operational, there were boards in the bathrooms separating the stalls, and wires and such hanging from the ceiling.  I earned the title of technician that most of the hot calls were handed over to, especially those that the Team Leaders didn�t want to handle.  Mad people are fun.  Sometimes they were not mad though, sometimes I was the last effort into resolving their issues, and I had a pretty good success rate.

Later on our site took on Computer Support Plus, and just a little bit less than half of the site was trained and equipped for that project, My favorite Team Leader asked for me to join the project so that I could offer my Macintosh experience, so I left the Resource Team on the Gateway project and went to CSP.  I stayed on that project and even continued to offer support on the Gateway project, till the site closed.
    Cow Boxes, Every Were!!!  At one point in the winter we were actually using them to keep from freezing!!!  In the lower right hand corner pic, you can see Adam, either a-gasp or most likely feeding his face.  Adam was an actuall Gateway trainer From NC, who stayed with us for over a month.  Unpacking systems in the background is Tammy, she was the top notch trainer boss, she's now a Prof. at LSSU.  Beware the purple power tie!!!
Wanna see more?  On the next page you can see my big DVD training presentation, and see how my desk looked sometimes.  >>>>>>
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