Fan Fiction

TITLE: Seven
AUTHOR: Kneipho
CODES: C, T (P/T, C/7)
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Another Post-Endgame Chakotay-B'Elanna-baby drabble. Non-romantic.
DISCLAIMER: No characters belong to me. The thoughts, however are mine alone. No profit made, no harm intended.
SUMMARY: Chakotay confesses. B'Elanna doesn't like what she hears.

  He came to see her in the morning; a spray of roses hidden with one arm behind his back. The reality of their circumstances, of nearing "home" had complicated his shift duties and kept him, as it had kept Tom, from being by her side during those priceless, irretrievable moments of her daughter's birth.

She held the bouquet in her lap, watching him watch the baby sleep in a cradle built by his own hand.

"I think I'm in love with a Borg." He said.

Flowers scattered as they hit the wall behind his head. Chakotay scrambled for the door.



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