Fan Fiction

TITLE: Say What?
AUTHOR: Briana L. Wright
AUTHOR'S NOTES: A short dialogue between the two characters. Told in Torres' perspective.
SUMMARY: Chakotay has a proposition for B'Elanna.

He stares at me from across the table. And then says, "Marry me."

I stare back incredulously. "Are you drunk?"

"No," he says evenly, "I'm serious."

I'm not convinced. "Have you gone nuts?" He's got to be kidding, asking -- worse yet, demanding! -- something like that.


"Because!" I'm so dumb-founded, I can barely even comprehend the idea myself. "I'm not marriage-material, Chakotay."

He's unflappable, as usual. "Just because you're not ideal doesn't make it impossible for someone to have feelings for you."

"And I suppose you do?"

He gives me his 'You-know-better-than-to-question-that' look. Damn him!

But I'm not ready to give in. I shake my head and say, "You've got to be out of your mind." Though what I really mean is, "Are you sure about this, you buffoon?" You don't ask a person to marry you everyday.

"Just answer me, Torres." Torres. He only uses my last name on two occasions: when we're on duty and when he's about to relay crucial information, abandoning all jokes and teases.


I swallow and hope he doesn't hear.

He's still waiting for my reply when he reaches for one of my hands and takes it in his own.

Heat rushes through my entire body at the familiar contact of his skin against mine. When I finally find the nerve to meet his eyes, my heart races and pounds hard in my chest. I love this man and I know it.

"You want to marry me?" My voice almost quivers.

"You're the only one I would ever ask." There's a warm, heart-felt expression on his face. I think, what a sweet, sensitive man... One part of me wants to melt, while another wants to attack him and rip all his clothes off.

Whoa. Not so fast, B'Elanna. Think first, have rough, steamy sex later.

"Okay. I'll marry you, Chakotay. On one condition."

He's grinning now, bearing those dimples he knows I can't resist. "Anything."

"Don't ever ask me to marry you again."

I grab the front of his uniform and kiss him senseless to seal the deal.



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