Fan Fiction

TITLE: A Reminder
AUTHOR: C.J. Grant
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Challenge response. A piece of a larger story in response to, "What if B'Elanna's self-torture from Extreme Risk hadn't stopped and got as far as attempting suicide? Describe how Chakotay prevents her from taking her own life."
SUMMARY: Chakotay offers B'Elanna a not-so-friendly reminder.

"Life offers no guarantees, B'Elanna."

She tried to yank her arm away from Chakotay's iron grasp. Fingers only dug deeper into her skin.

"You're going to listen to what I have to say," he announced, using his superior strength to drag her closer. The scent of Sandelwood reached her nose. Warm breath played across her face. Distant voices engaged in casual conversation faded into the soft hum of normal shipboard operations. Glancing both directions down the corridor, he made sure they were alone before continuing.

"Let go of me," she snarled.

"You only get one chance at this." He took her other arm. "We can't change the past. But we can decide to make the most of the future. Don't waste your life wallowing in the 'what-ifs' and the lost opportunities. Grab the things that you love and hold them tight. For as long as you possibly can."

Her hands began to tingle.

"You're hurting me," she whispered through clentched teeth.

"But I've got your attention though, don't I?" The release came suddenly. Overcompensation sent B'Elanna careening backwards into the bulkhead. "Don't be late for your shift again, or I'll put you on report."

Chakotay turned sharply on his heel and marched away.



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