Fan Fiction

TITLE: Remembering the Vision
AUTHOR: Susan de Fluke
AUTHOR'S NOTES: TPTB are ____ and so I am _____ their ____ with my own _____. Set after Persistence of Vision. Not even remotely J/C and I think once you�ve read it you�ll work it out for yourself who they are.
SUMMARY: Set after Persistance of Vision. Chakotay helps bring B'Elanna's fantasy from the Botha to reality.

  �I can help you remember,� he said.

She swallowed, a slight sound in her throat, as she turned her head to look up at him. She had read the dream, as had he, but it was beginning to dawn on her that when he said he remembered the dream -- he remembered more than had been written on the piece of paper secured in her pocket.


�Everything,� he replied and kissed her gently and kissed her again; tender kisses of promise.

His lips gently sucked her lips his tongue tracing the edge of them testing the waters, tasting the softness and receptiveness of her mouth before pushing further and closer inside. His body, still encased in his sleeping bag, pressed against her thigh, his upper leg over hers but not restricting her movements had she wanted to stop this and move away.

He lifted his head to look deeply into her mid-brown eyes. �Shall I?� he whispered, his breath dusting her cheek and lips mingling with her breathy puffs, and all the while he meant, �can I?�; a small desperate plea from a far distant corner of his soul. His whole being screamed in silence to capture her response, willing her with every cell of his body to allow him to have her completely, totally, finally. Please, say yes.

In the end all she did was reach up to pull his head down again to feel his lips again on hers, her tongue finding a new friend to cavort with in the dark of night.

Taking that as a yes, he groaned softly and he deepened their kisses, his mouth open to drink her in, breathe her into his body like a welcomed virus, tasting her mouth, his tongue seeking and dancing with hers, warm and wet.

While their mouths were joined he could feel her hands pull down the zipper of her sleeping bag and reach for his. He pulled away and caught her wrist in his hand.

�No, my love. You are my gift to unwrap. I want to do this exactly the way we did this last time.�

Breathless, she watched him kiss the inner surface of her wrist sending ripples up her arm and down through her body. She moaned softly. He kissed and licked her, continuing upward in a single line of worshipful kisses on her soft skin.

Unzipping her sleeping bag he wasted no time in divesting her or himself of clothes. His eyes feasted on her small, well-proportioned and beautiful body. A groan of need escaped his throat as he knelt between her feet.

�Your body is a temple. I am here to pay my respects to the Power that created you, and to pay obeisance to the guardian of your temple,� he said reverently.

�Who?� she whispered.

He smiled a little, not wanting to break the spell. �You, my love. You and only you.�

He carefully lifted her left leg and watched her expression as he licked behind her knee and began to rain a wet trail of kisses up the delicate flesh of her inner thigh, toward the top. His teeth grazed gently the smooth satiny layers of skin blowing the dampened kiss marks ever upward to her folds. He took a moment to gaze longingly at her folds, wanting, needing to simply plunge in and take her right there and then. With difficulty he lowered the leg and turned to the other.

Kissing her behind the joint and working agonisingly slowly up to the fuzz of curled hair at her apex, he knew she ached for more, ached for him to hurry, but he would not -- he had promised himself, and her, that he would take his time.

At her apex he could smell her arousal, her pheromones, her juices had made her hair damp. With effort to control his growing need he kissed her labia and resisted doing more. He heard her sigh, felt her hand behind his head, fingers in his hair, urging him to do more, but he resisted.

He heard his name on her sigh and looked up. Lowering her leg beside him he reached over her to kiss her mouth, giving her a small taste of what he had just kissed, the sweetness of her body that he had longed for so many months to taste, and touch, and have for himself, in the flesh and not just in his dreams.

Without breaking the kiss she slowly rolled him onto his back. It was her turn, just as she had in the vision. Taking his half-hard cock in one hand she firmed him, gentle strokes up and down his shaft from tip to base and back up again. He was a big man, well formed, well proportioned, much larger than her previous partner -- her only partner -- had been, and that had been a long time ago. She would feel like this was her first time again, and she wanted this.

She pinched the head and a small amount of pre-cum leaked out as she thumbed his slit. She finally broke the kiss to look down at his glistening member in the darkness. Lowering her face to him she flicked her tongue across his head. He gasped, she did it again and smiled at his reaction before closing her mouth around his member and drawing it in. He sighed loudly, almost a gasp. Smooth, long, slow movements in and out.

The delicious moves prompted his hips to follow suit of their own volition, his eyes half closed and his mouth dropped open as his breath quickened apace. So warm, so wet, so... Suddenly he jerked and groaned loudly pouring his seed into her throat with an abrupt squirt.

Release had left his breath rasping thickly in his chest. He lay there, still for a moment, before reaching for her, laying her down beside him. He went straight to her body, his lips covering her skin with light butterfly kisses across her belly. Her navel was sweet, just the right size for the tip of his tongue, he licked it. He liked the way it made her moan. Moving upward between her mounds he found her mouth again, their tongues duelling for supremacy.

His lips travelled along her jaw to her ears, the lobes soft. He sucked on one, feeling it�s tender softness between his lips, tracing the outer shell with his tongue and blowing on it. His breath echoed with her ear and she shivered. He smiled.

Travelling downward once more, still ignoring her breasts, he drew his tongue and lips down her body to her apex. This time he lingered, his tongue tracing the edge of her lower lips. She parted her thighs raising her knees to allow him more room as he settled between her legs. Holding both buttocks his held her to him, smoothing the delicate skin of her upper thighs as he began his ministrations. His tongue inadvertently found her stiffened nub, which protruded from between her labia. She jerked, surprised at how sensitive that spot had become.

He enjoyed her reaction. He did it again, rubbing up and down her nub feeling it tighten into a taut peak. Moving down from her clit her probed her wet hot, tasting her juices feeling her readiness. Sinking his tongue into her body he heard her sigh loudly, her breath thick with arousal. Flicking his flesh against her inner walls, in and out, tongue-fucking her to give her a sneak-preview of things to come. His hips humped dryly against the sleeping bag beneath her, washing his senses with his own arousal. He wanted her so badly. He felt her shudder, her hips flexing against his face. He held her tighter, squeezing her ass cheeks and he ground his tongue against her nub and then pulled away slightly to blow on her over-sensitised flesh. She jerked crying out his name in the still of night her body shuddering at each quake that rolled through her body.

He moved to lay close beside her kissing her again, giving her a fuller taste of her honey, as he finally took a breast into his hand. Her ignored and protesting peaks swirled between his finger and thumb, the other laved by his mouth. His free hand moved down to her still gently throbbing nub bringing her upward on the spiral of ecstasy. Pushing between her folds to rub slowly up and down his finger pushed lower to her hot core. He groaned with her sucking at the pebble in his mouth, remembering on some subconscious level his inborn instinct to suckle like a babe in his mothers arms.

Her groans increased with his and his finger pushed slowly inside her, slowly in and slowly out before adding a second and doing it again. He could take no more. He wanted her now, and she was so ready.

Shifting over her his hand going beside her to support his weight, he settled between her open legs. Gentle slow thrusts brought his impressive head to her opening. It slipped inside.

She gasped and stiffened.

He looked into her dark irises, face lined with concern. �Hurt?�

She nodded gently.

�You want me to stop?� he whispered, almost afraid she would say yes.

She shook her head. �It�s�s been a long time.�

�I�ll be gentle, my love,� he promised.

His body moved gently forward, a little further in at each move, stretching her around him like a glove. They sighed together feeling him slide smoothly home, all the way like silk.

�Oh, baby,� he breathed, eyes closed.

He withdrew almost all the out and pushed all the way in.


All the way out and all the way in.

�So tight.�

All the way out and all the way in.

�My sweet love, mine...�

All the way out and all the way in.

�All mine.�

Holding her body close to his, he turned his attention to the other breast, swirling the nipple in his mouth, sucking on it, hearing her moans echoing his.

He grunted and stilled his movement feeling his release approaching. �Ooah...too fast,� he breathed heavily against her breast, forcing down his orgasm, wanting to wait for her.

He gazed down at her dark eyes feeling her move against him, she wanted more. His body reacted joining her in her smooth, fluid drive toward the zenith. Their faces were flushed, their bodies sheeny with the sweat of love as he thrust faster grinding his body against her swollen nub. She sighed louder and his soft grunts evolved into bold cries of lustful hunger in time to her legs swaying and his ass cheeks clenching as he drove home his love and need.

He could feel her body tighten, holding his stiff cock within her soft walls. His eyes widened -- it was coming...he was cumming...hard. He lost his rhythm bayoneting her body with his, gasping with her as his control whittled away to nothing. His hard member rammed her inner sanctum and then stilled tight up against her cervix, his hot spurted up inside her with a roar, chorused by her scream of fulfilment. She howled his name, he howled hers to the quiet of the night as he sank into her gasping for breath within her shuddering arms.

For a long time they lay...just lay until her fingers drew lazy patterns up and down his dampened back. After a moment or two he raised his head.

�Do you remember?�

She nodded, smiling. �Yes.�

�There was more,� he added.

He rolled careful to keep his shaft within her until she straddled him. He began to move again. His softening rod hardening with anticipation.

�I could go all night,� he whispered, eyes drifting shut. �Placing my offerings at the alter of your love,� his whispered voice reverenced the words as much as his body reverenced hers.

Parting his knees slightly he probed deeper. Penetrating as far in as he could he held her hips down, closing what little distance there was between them. She rode him feeling his body rise and fall beneath her. One hand reached up to cup her breast thumbing the nipple. She was still aroused, he could tell.

Slowly he rose to meet her and he kissed her partly open mouth nipping and sucking her lips and tongue. She moaned against his mouth, he moaned back. Her orgasm was fast approaching, fast on the heals of its predecessor. He reached down to thumb her nub; one stroke was all it took to throw her over the edge.

Trembling in his lap she opened her eyes to see him smiling at her. Then he slowly laid her beside him his shaft still hard and deeply imbedded inside her hot core.

On their sides, he held her leg over his hip and pressed her buttocks hard against him, squeezing the soft mounds in time to his punishing pace, their bodies slapping together. With frenzied pumping he could feel her rise yet again. He reached round behind her leg to feel where they were joined, feeling her flesh pucker and stretch in time to his thrusts. His other hand held her buttocks closer and his upper hand pushed between them to rub her clit.

His groans rose to gasps and her voice joined his. He tried to prolong the sensations, but nature had it�s own momentum, which took them with it. With a sudden gush his hot sported into her body. His silence-shattering explosion rang out, giving the world a taste of his joy.

�My sweet, sweet love,� he whimpered.

�I love you,� she breathed back showering his lips with soft, tender kisses.

He smiled returning her kisses as their bodies descended from the lofty heights he had taken them. Sleep threatened on the horizon as he held her to him.

Slowly turning her into the curve of his body he cradled her spooned against him and kissed her shoulder.

�I love you,� he whispered as the blanket of sleep enveloped them.



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