Fan Fiction

TITLE: Memento
AUTHOR: Divineway
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Pity Paramount owns them.
SUMMARY: Chakotay thinks on what might have been.

  Black silk rested in his hand. It was soft like her hair, caressing his skin as she slept peacefully in his arms. He regretted it had to end, but he knew he could not go on, living a lie. Her heart belonged to another. She carried a hunger he could not satisfy. He raised the scarf to his nose, breathing in her scent, remembering the nights of passion. What if they were never trapped here? Would things have changed? No. Eventually, what they shared would never be enough. Sighing heavily, he placed the memento back into the box, pushing it towards the back of the closet, hidden but not forgotten.


He turned. His gaze met the blue eyes of his beloved. Her love for him had brought them together.

His heart swelled, recalling that fateful moment on the Ocampan home world.

"Are you coming?"


In that instant, Chakotay knew he was right where he belonged.



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