Fan Fiction

TITLE: Frustrated
AUTHOR: Kim Riley
AUTHOR'S NOTES: The characters belong to Paramount. Again since they are no longer using them I've decided to take our boys out of the 'closet' and let them play and be happy. Enjoy.
SUMMARY: Chakotay and B'Elanna are busy...doing what?

  The panting and heavy breathing filled the air, gasps echoing immediately behind the others as the sound of straining and growls added color to the dark, closed, intense atmosphere. An alien dialect filled the air; the words matched the temperature of the low lit room, frustrated, determined, angry, passionate. It was matched with a deep male growl that reflected much of the same.

"I don't think this is going to work," B'Elanna panted, her voice raspy as if she had been running a marathon. "It's just too�damn�big," she finally growled, the edge of defeat coating her words.

"Don't give up, B'El," growled with determination. "This'll work, we just need more lubrication�that's all," he panted. "Plus, it'll help if you relax," he added, a slight laugh tingeing his already strained voice. "Just got to�keep�pushing�" he muttered, more to himself than to his partner.

B'Elanna's baited breath filled the next few moments as if a decision was to be made, and then a growl of determination sounded, "Kahless, this has to work. I've waited too damn long for this moment, I will 'not' be stopped now by�by�THIS" she roared. The sound of moment and then the sound of something being slapped into the other's hand followed. "Here, add some more, you have a better reach than I do, after all it's your equipment," she ordered, the light teasing taking away the sting of her demand.

The sound of straining ceased as did some of the tension. "Your wish is my command, oh Queen," Chakotay mocked, than chuckled, his panting hot on the trail of his jest. "Take a moment, relax, I think it'll help us both�oh, and for the record, it is 'not' too big."

B'Elanna snorted, "Yes it is, or it would have gone in already and we wouldn't be here�still,' she snorted again, exhaustion beginning to creep into her voice.

"Hey, just remember, this was 'your' idea, not mine, and second, I'm about to take it personal in a moment�size happens to be a very delicate issue for some people�"

"Oh, Chakotay," she groans, "You are not going to tell me that you of all people are hung up on 'size' are you? I mean�please. Besides, if anything, people usually worry about it being too small�this has got to be a first�"

It was Chakotay's turn to snort, "I doubt that, and second off, I am not hung up on size, I just don't like the way you keep pushing about the fact you don't think it'll fit. I mean, I went to a lot of trouble here�"

B'Elanna giggled something rare for the half-Klingon to do. "Trouble? What kind of trouble? I thought this was standard equipment we were dealing with?" she teased.

"There's nothing standard about," Chakotay retorted.

"You can say that again," she laughed, soon to be joined by Chakotay.

After a moment, both regained their senses. "Ready to try again?"

"Yeah�let's go!"

The sound of rustling once more fills the air to be quickly followed again by the sound of straining and grunting.

"Did you feel that?" B'Elanna gasped.

"Yes�it moved�" Chakotay gasped. "Told you it would fit," he taunted.

"Pig," she countered and was quiet as she focused more on her goal.

"It's going" Chakotay shouted.

"Shit, that hurts!"

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, damn it, just keep pushing, it's not all the way in yet."

Once more the sound of both staining, grunting, panting, pushing, filled the air when�

"YES!" B'Elanna screamed with success.

"I told you it would fit," Chakotay smirked.

"I thought arrogance was beneath you," she growled back.

Chakotay chuckled, "Not when it comes to you."


"Why thank you," he laughed. "Now, how does it feel? Need any adjustments before we begin?"

"Only you could make this sound clinical," she laughed, and then there was silence for a short moment, "No, feels good, I think we can begin as soon as you catch your breath�old man," she taunted.

"Hey, I'm not the only one gasping up a lung moments ago, and let us not forget just 'who' won the Bath'let tournament last week?"

"I thought that was Tuvok�"

The sound of a slap and laughter filled the air, "I meant between us, besides, placing third isn't too bad, when you consider I had Seven and Tuvok as opponents�and if I recall you came in�"

"Don't say it," she growled.

"Fifth." He said it.

Another slap, but only male laughter filled the room.

"I'm telling you, I slipped, for there is 'no way' pretty boy could beat me otherwise," she explained with a half growl.

"Uh huh, if you say so."

"I do. Now, are we going to do this, or did we do all of it for nothing, for I have other things I could be doing," she snarled.

"Again, this was your idea, and I'm ready anytime you are�Sweetheart."

Another slap filled the air and once more Chakotay was chuckling. Then the scrambling of two bodies and the clanking of metal and other solid objects filled the room�.then the sound of a light hum overwhelmed them and the other noises grew silent.

B'Elanna moved out of the alcove conduit to her quarters and helped Chakotay exit them as well. "I think it worked, let's see," she grinned. She moved over to her console and verified it, "It's working?"

Chakotay chuckles, "I told you that emitter unit would fit in that cupplink, I may not be an engineer, but I 'do' know a few things, especially when it comes to�"

"Ah�don't say it�and I mean it this time," she warned.

He laughed, while blushing a little, but remained silent. Then smiled, "I should go, let me know how it works�"

"Thanks, Chakotay, oh, and since you did help me install it, I guess you can come here and use it if you like?"

"You mean become even more of an accessory to the crime," he snickered. "Sure, perhaps we can even use it together one day�" he offered, his eyes slightly serious.

B'Elanna nods, "Yeah�that would be good, why not."

"Great, later."

"Later," she stated and watched him leave. //Damn was it hot in there, // she mused as she headed to take a shower. //First a bath and then�// she laughed wickedly as she stepped into her bathroom and the doors closed.



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