Fan Fiction

TITLE: A Day at the Beach
SUMMARY: Chakotay and B'Elanna play football on the holodeck.

A lull had rolled into the Voyager crew's chaotic lives and Captain Janeway snatched up the opportunity by authorizing blocks of holodeck time to repair the damage that had frayed the crew's nerves. She assigned small groups of senior staff to recreate with the lower ranks, and to bolster morale. On this holodeck shift Chakotay and Torres were assigned.

A balmy breeze rippled through the palm fronds and seemingly bent down with imaginary fingers, sweeping up a bit of sand and gently scattering it. B'Elanna was comfortably stretched on a lounger shaded by an oversized beach umbrella. By her right hand was a blue cooler, keeping her drinks iced.

B'Elanna's gaze followed Chakotay through her dark tinted sunglasses. He was engaged in a very informal game of tackle football, something they had discovered in the ship's database. She took note that today he wore a white linen tank top and tan mid thigh length khaki shorts. Both were complimentary colors against his skin.

Nice, she thought to herself. Really, almost feeling her stomach growling with a hunger that could not be satisfied with food.

He raised his elbows up, gripped the oval ball with laces out and threw to Lt. Ayala. But as he released it he felt himself being tossed to the ground. Not too roughly, after all it was just a friendly game.

Quickly B'Elanna took notice of how the water made his wet shirt opaque and molded it to his body. Hmmm, she thought. This may have some potential after all.

She stood up, tossed her glasses onto the chair and watched as they skidded, then adjusted her own, white shirt, smoothing it down and declared, "I see no reason why the men should be having all the fun. So who wants to join in and play?"

A chorus of agreements went up, and en masse they swarmed down on the men. Seeing the oncoming horde, the men halted their activity and waited to find out what was up. B'Elanna naturally asserted herself as the women's captain, because of her leadership position on Voyager. She strode up to a curious Chakotay and presented him with the proposition.

"Looks like you're all enjoying yourselves. We're getting a little bored. So how's about a game. A battle of the sexes?" she announced with a fake huff.

He almost let a smile tug at his lips, but held it in check and responded with a coy poker face. "So what are you looking to play for, Torres?"

The men gathered in closer, as did the women behind B'Elanna, to hear her response.

She let a smile soften her face, of course hiding her agenda, "Just for fun." she replied.

"Just for fun?" he repeated as a question, knowing that statement was laced with no *good* intentions. Chakotay brought his hand up to his stubbled chin, crossed the other underneath it and rubbed his chin. Then he turned to his team and presented the request. After a quick huddle, the men retreated to one side to allow the women onto the 'field'.

After having given the ball to the girls first, the men immediately carried out a play, which had forced the receiver into ankle deep in water. An attempt to run the ball by the women was cut short, when the strong arm of Ayala clothes-lined the girl and swept her off her feet, plunging her into the fresh wave and soaking her to the skin.

The men took possession of the ball with an effort of their own, and endured the same fate with the exception that it took more women to carry out a tackle. Obviously it didn't take much logic to see what the women's intentions were. And the men utilizing logical reasoning were more than eager to comply.

With several downs later (and many wet crewmembers), the ball was being thrown to Chakotay. B'Elanna, seizing the opportunity, steamed straight at him. Those people in between B'Elanna and her goal thought it best to get out of the way and parted like the Red Sea. With the force of the impact Chakotay flew back landing in the surf. She lunged and then grabbed at the ball that was squashed in between them, and tried wrenching it from him. The two senior officers wrestled for possession while the rest of the teams looked on in amusement.

Chakotay rolled B'Elanna on her back as a small wave tried to sneak under her. Not willing to give up she tumbled him over, just as a three foot wave came crashing down on top of him, causing him to gulp a mouthful of water and let go.

She tugged and pulled free just as that wave hit, and stood over him, hand on her hip and the ball tucked under the other. With a flippant tone and bright toying eyes, she cracked, "Chakotay, it look's like you're soaking wet," then waltzed away.

He rose to his elbows, spat out some more water and shook his dripping wet hair "Woman, just you wait. Your time is coming." He threatened in mock anger.

Saucily she peered over her shoulder, giving him a daring look. He could have sworn she responded with, "I'm counting on it." But it was just the wind.



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