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Dark Angel

Hello, Welcome and Thank you for visiting!

Dark Angel is in it's second season in Australia. It is set in 2020, third world america. After the pulse - an electromagnetic shockwave which was unleased by nuclear terrorists in 2009.

Max Guevara (Jessica Alba) the lead is a genetically engineered soldier who is on the run from her creators at Manticore. Some of her abilities include:
Enhanced strength, speed and agility
Telescopic and night vision
Hyper-sensitive hearing
Superior mental processing skills
Catlike reflexes/dexterity
Strong lung capacity (can hold her breath for 4+ minutes)
Max currently holds down a day job with Jam Pony X-Press, a bicycle courier company serving greater Seattle. Her friends are:

Logan Cale (Michael Weatherly) also known as "eyes only" who is a rich (thanks to the family business) journalist by day and by night or when "eyes only" is needed a cyber-journalist letting the public know the truth about certain things. With his help Max is tracking down her siblings who also escaped from Manticore.

Original Cindy (Valarie rae Miller) is Max's best friend, flatmate and co-worker. We don't yet know much more about Original Cindy although we did meet her old girlfriend.

John Savage is Lydecker her enemy from the past (Season 1), at the end we found out that things weren't so happy at Manticore and Lydecker wasn't all in the know. He's the one that trained her and her siblings.

Do you want to know more about the actors? Click on the names below:

Jessica Alba

Michael Weatherly

John Savage

Valarie rae Miller

J.C. Mackenzie

Richard Gunn

Jensen Ackles

Alimi Ballard

Kevin Durand

Ashlee Scott

Jennifer Blanc

Martin Cummins
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