Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.   US WE ARE
:: fuji-chan ::

I - there are a lot of things I can be described as. Some are unsavory, but it's inevitable. >D Not that I give a ferret's fuzzbum about zem. Foolish mortals: they have no idea just who they insult. XD

Languages: English, Japanese, French. And the Irish, Cumbrian and Scots dialects.
Motto: Artificial Intelligence is no match against Real Stupidity.
Dislikes: People who insist upon mocking Canada(Bastards.. I'll kill you all! SHI-NE!), raw onion, picky eaters, Hidaka Ken, people who can't understand that bishounen guys are actually male(Supposedly. RICHARD! You suck, man! >P), people who harrass friends over crushes(You know who you are.. =.=), Kuwabara Kazuma, guys who spit, smoggy cities, hot weather, popular twits, brainless teenagers, stupid movies, poorly-written books, dubs(>< *koffescaflownehack*), loud rooms, parties(I cannot stress how much I HATE parties.), drugs(I fall asleep on them. Seriously. ><;), beer, boybands that are carbon copies of BSB, pointless metal music, stupid men.
Likes: WEISS!(*goes fangirl*), music that goes somewhere, Japanese food, Japan in general, Europe, swords, drawing, writing, making fun of Richard(XD Mwaha. I'm so evil.), anime, languages, German castles(WAI! XD), Dr. Pepper, knowledge, books, vampires, pointless insanity, random outburts in Band(Mr. Craven: The phrasing on this is poor- Ryan: IT'S SNOWING, MAN! Mr. Craven: O.o =.= .. Ryan: REALLY! IT IS!), Choir, photos, penny whistles, clarinets, violins, internet, cell phones, laptops.

This Daemon was cute at ten. DUDE. o.o
When all else fails, and there's nothing to do: PLAY CARDS!
If you can look worse than this, I'll sacrifice my Inu Yasha collection.
The manor where all sorts of odd things happen.. >P
Yes, there are a lot of trees and things on my property. ^^;

ICQ: 21700576
AIM: DemonSapphire
MSN: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]

We're back to back so prepare for trouble
Watch your step, or we'll make it double
To test the bounds of the imagination
To strain the eyes of all within our nation
To denounce the evils of reality and hope
To extend our reach to the realms below
Neosmall Writers' Guild blast off on a witch's broom
Surrender now, or meet your dhoom!

-NWG motto.. inspired after too much pooorly dubbed Pokemon

What the hell?
"This is the LAST time I sell my soul to the Devil!"
There came a loud pop, and the black-clothed, rub-staffed, cheshire Mazoku appeared on the coffee table. "You rang?"
Purple. That freak had purple hair. Purple. Oh, God.
Hiiragi stomped in the cabin door with her Binder of Impending Dhoom upraised. Xellos eyed her.
"B. B. Hall! You are to stop swearing and acting out of character!" She smashed his little stick self, a product of his magical 'experiments'. Hiiragi stared at the puddle of blue stick-blood, then shook her head. "Sad. Pathetically sad."
Cue fruity Mazoku giggle. "Do continue with that demonic emotion!"
She kicked him into the row of hanging lights.
The little puddle of goo sparkled happily. Xellos groaned. Hiiragi, her work done, skipped out with a bounce and a cackle.
-Don't ask. Please. It wasn't my fauult. It was the Penny Whistle of Dhoom!
A bit of fun at the lake!

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