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:: anime ::

My current anime obsession: Weiss Kreuz. And I've been obsessed for a year, now. Though I seriously want to maim Ken and squish Schreient, I adore each and every character. Paticularly Nagi. XD XD XD *glomp* I'm working on the review and other goodies regarding this series, but here's a bit of preview for a few other series you might look into. I have no idea where has gone: It was a veritable bible of all things anime.

Inu Yasha
Set in both feudal and modern Japan, this ongoing saga never ceases to be both amusing and thick with plot. Kagome, a normal junior high student one day slips and falls into the well in her family's shrine, where she is accosted by a centipede demon wanting to take the Shikon no Tama, the Jewel of Four Souls, which has been kept inside Kagome's body. The jewel is shattered when Kagome finds herself in a strange land. It becomes apparent she had been dropped into the era of the Warring States, the Mediaeval period. There she comes across a dog demon trapped and stricken to a tree. She frees him..

Lina Inverse. The sorceress supreme, with the power of black magic. Meet her comrade, Gourry Gabrieve, dumber than two short planks, swordsman and weilder of the Sword of Light. Zelgadis, chimera shamen, respectively a third demon, golem, and human, changed into what he is now by his grandfather, Rezo the Red Priest. Xellos Metallium, human turned demon and priest/general of the Dark Lord Beast Master. Filia, Golden Dragon, priestess of the Dragon God responsible for the shattering of Shabranigdo. A group of travelers, more than what they look at first, set on a road to chaos, magic, and humor.

Yu Yu Hakushou
When a boy named Urameshi Yuusuke dies, and finds himself still concious, he begins the travel of a lifetime. Between three worlds, the Keikai Tantei, the Spirit Detectives, battle and stamp out unwanted and dangerous demons and spirits. With a shape-shifting Youko theif, Kurama, stuck in the human body of Minamino Shuiichi, the Rei-empowered Kazuma Kuwabara, and the forbidden half-Koorime Hiei, owning the power of the Jagan, the tean is elite and successful. In MOST battles..

Ranma 1/2
Why half? Why, there are two halves to Ranma. When Saotome Ranma fall into the cursed Chinese spring, he finds himself stuck with a female half. One who falls into the spring, turns into whatever last died in there when splashed with cold water. Undone with hot water, Ranma isn't the only one with this misfortune. Mousse, the nerdy, blade-wielding boy of no one's dreams unhappily quacks his way around as a duck, Genma, Ranma's father, turns regularly into a giant panda, and Ryouga turns into 'P-chan'.. and tiny little bad tempered piglet. Ranma has one problem.. He defeated his Amazon accquaintance in both forms, which means she has to kill his female side, and marry his male. But both are part of the same person.
A bit of fun at the lake!

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