Chopping Techniques/Basic knife skills

In this section we will be covering the basic knife skills. There are 5 basic cuts that one needs to know about.

The first knife tachnique, the chiffonade, this technique's goal is to produce a sherreded like consistance with leafy green, herbs, and other leafy vegetables, like lettuce.

To preform this cut:

  1. Pick your leafy foodstuff from the stem or root.
  2. Layer your leaves on top of each other as flat as you can.
  3. Roll leaves and chop in little slivers

For the next cut, the julienne, You will start by splititng what every you are cutting in half. Giving yourself a flat side to work with.

To perform the cut from cutting the foodstuff in half:

  1. Place the flat end and trim four sides. Making your foodstuff look like a rectangle.
  2. Place the foodstuff on one of your newly flattend sides and cut off and remaining curves. making it a nice 3d rectangle.
  3. Cut into smaller rectangle roughly the same size and the length of a match stick.
  4. stack your new cuts on top of each other and cut them into matchstick width.

After the cutting is done, it should look like a pile of match sticks on your cutting board.

The next 3 cuts are the same in the but they get progressivly bigger as the list goes down. The process for these is really simple. You are just going to make larger and larger squares of the the food stuffs you are cutting. The only expection to this rule is onions or onion like vegetables. Those kind of vegetable will only be covered in the class. As these actions requires more attention from the instructor for safety reasons.