This page is about prepping

In this section we will be covering the prepperation of our foodstuffs. Prepping your food is step one to what the French call "Mise en Place," or "everything in its place." Some of this section will be related to chopping, knife work, but we do not need to worry about that quite yet. There is still work to be done before the chopping of anything can happen. This will be general guidelines that work with most of your everyday prepping situations.

Prepping Instructions:

  1. Get out everything you are going to need to cook your meal.
  2. Wash everything, soap isn't really need. Looking for a good rinse using running water. More leafy vegetable, like lettuce, will require more work. As you will need to get in between the leaves.
  3. Peel your vegetables and fruits.
  4. Get out the rest of the hardware you are going to need, like cutting board and knives. Also, what ever you want ot store you cut vegetables and fruit in. I like to use a custard dish or a ramekin.

The more oganized you are, the less stressfull the process will be.