
Friday 28th Novemer - Mat:  Still no pics I'm afraid but that is definately not the wierdest of it.  Yesterday Luke Banot left the band to give another band the privelidge of his vocal talent AND Billy decided that he wasn't getting all that he wanted out of this band, and he came to an agreement with steve of another college band that he would like to join his band in order for Matt Summer to join our band.  Meaning that in all we hav had 8 members in
Sober@6 - past and present.  But now... hopefully, were gonna leave the band at this before we hav the ability to make an orchestra out of our ex-members, lol.  We had a rehearsal today for our gig in december.  It started out good as we played our previously written songs and got a good reaction from our class.  But for the last two songs we played the song we wrote earlier today of which adam insistedin slotting in 'cotten eye joe' in the middle an we went completely wrong when crossing over back into the new song.  And we also tried covering the kid aren't alright by offspring in place of rock show.  Which Adam forgot the lyrics to the chorus of, and when i tried filling in every one laughed :' ( i need a hug. *cries and logs off*

Wednesday 10th December - Mat:  I dont know why i even put my name at the start of messeges anymore no other fools from my band write ne thing.  our gig is next tuesday! an its gonna b a total disaster! lol.  Adam's eventually gettin his tom delonge squier guitar an im savin up 4 a nu jazz bass.  thats basically all thats happened since the last time i left a messege on here... exept adam bein diagnosed with: herpes, gonareah (or however u spell it), cock rot, an the life treatening foreskin leprecy (stay away from him, its very contagious) : P I'm gonna get such a slap when he sees this, lol.


Wednesday 7th January - Mat:  Yay, my comps working again so the pics will be up in about a weekish. But yea, short but sweet. C ya at the blink 182 gig next month.  If not u have sh*t taste in music : D

Monday 19th January - Mat:  The pics still arent up, someone kick me.  Lol, apparently adam jus tried shavin his hair an the batteries ran out, i will try an get a pic 2moro.  Private gigage in a week or 2.  We didnt go to the open mic nite coz our teacher gave us no word of it.  but it should be re-scheduled soon.

Monday 26th January - Mat:  Luke has left the course :' ( were gonna ask if he can still come in on days when we hav practices.  but still  : ( but if he cant then were screwed 4 a drummer.  My mate alex' band r playin as well at the pivate gig an i had the wrong details up 4 ages an the site is now updated.  An there r more lyrics on here now, yea! An there are thought of changing the band name, AGAIN!!!!

Friday 13th February - Mat:  We got a nu drummer, his name is Lee, he has a strange man breast fetish but nevertheless he is an ok drummer.  My 18th birthday gig went OKish, but we got thru it.

Sunday 7th March - Mat:  We definately decided on a band name now, from here on call us 'The Runts'! were stickin 2 this 1 coz were annoyed with not havin a name. we dun a cover of marvin gaye's 'lets get it on' aswell, an we written quite a few songs in the last few weeks so the lyrics for them will be up in a couple of days maybe, or wen eva i get the lyrics off adam. we got another gig comin up in may, dunno wen the date is jus yet but it'll b either at the flag or champions. keep checkin outandabout for details.

Friday 28th May - Mat:  Hey! First update in ages! We Played a gig earlier this week at The Flag, Watford.  It went pretty good, we played mostly covers with the exeption of Drunk which went really well.  A friend of the band recorded the gig on digicam and put the audio onto cd which i think count as a really bad live demo.  So we will be sending this off to trinity in harrow and maybe last chance in Watford.  So you mite b seeing us around more often.  If that isn't a reason to hate the local scene, nothing is, lol.

Monday 5th July - Mat:  Matt Summers has now unfortunately left the band, he'll be missed but this wont stop us! and we now arent a college band as adam was lazy and cant be arsed to come back next year, so we'll be finding somewhere else to practice and writing more songs hopefully : S, lol.  So if ne1 knows ne where to practice like studios that r quite cheap to rent out pls get in contact with us.

Sunday 1st August - Mat:  We now all decided on a decent band name, and we aren't bloody changin it agen! We are now and permanentely called 'Cunning Stunt' and we got a a practice round Lee's on thursday an we'll lookin 4ward 2 that, : D were gonna b workin on at least 2 or 3 songs.  I'll leave a message to say how it goes.
Out and
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