Transition 4/19/01

Stepping through the threshold
Shedding my childhood like
An uncomfortable skin I've outgrown
I see the womb-like home that is high school
Contract and expel me
As I struggle into the light
That is the great world beyond it.
College waits, beckoning with the tempting freedom that lies
Within those walls
Overwhelming fear grips me, trying to keep me from my quest
The demons of "what if" and "failure"
Claw at my ankles, trying to grab me 
pull me into the morass that is self-doubt
as I fight my way towards the rest of my life

Untitled 11/16/01
Life is grey
No music to stir the soul
No thought to color the hours
Save thoughts of despair
No friendly hand to guide or offer company

Then She appears

Luminescent ivory skin
Long raven hair
A tall, perfect, graceful figure
"come", she says in a husky velvet voice
she stratches her hand, beckoning
asking me to dance

I go willingly, eager to feel her in my arms
Wanting to move with her
To be in perfect step

My Lady Death awaits
I rush to her
Not sure who has seduced who
home, jeeves me me me
more about myself
random randomness
get me out of here!
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