A:hover{COLOR:white;background:url(http://members.aol.com/luvnkisses24/images/linkbackground.gif);}hr{background-image:url(http://www.liquid2k.com/dreamangel5644/rainbow.GIF);width:65%;height:4;border:0;}input{background:url(http://www.liquid2k.com/dreamangel5644/rainbow.GIF); border: 1pt solid mediumslatnoweblue; font-family: verdana; color: white; font-size: 10px;letter-spacing:0pt}
Well here you gome some nice little links if you are bored with this site though I have no idea how anyone could be
Ambaaars site
fairly self-explanatory
My friend Jennie's site about all things Buffy related
Heart of the Chosen One
an f-ing brilliant comic with one of the most misleading names in history
purple pussy!
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