A:hover{COLOR:white;background:url(http://members.aol.com/luvnkisses24/images/linkbackground.gif);}hr{background-image:url(http://www.liquid2k.com/dreamangel5644/rainbow.GIF);width:65%;height:4;border:0;}input{background:url(http://www.liquid2k.com/dreamangel5644/rainbow.GIF); border: 1pt solid mediumslatnoweblue; font-family: verdana; color: white; font-size: 10px;letter-spacing:0pt}
Well I suppose I am now obligated to tell you a little bit about myself. Hmm. I am a twenty year old female who is mainly doing this site to have something to do while she is on a break from college. Now here is some random information about me.
Stuff I don't like
Stuffs that I Like
*~*~ Avril Lavigne *~*~ Britney and all of her clones *~*~ N*SYNC and all of THEIR clones *~*~ rude people  *~*~ George W. Bush (the other Bush isn't much better) *~*~ right wing extremists *~*~ Violations of First Ammendment rights *~*~ Closed-minded people
*~*~Coffee *~*~ Good Books, Movies and Music (I think I will do a reccomendation section) *~*~the Sims tm *~*~ my bestest friends (in case the fact aht they have their won page doesn't tip you off *~*~French *~*~ Journalism *~*~ Glitter *~*~ Writing *~*~ Shopping (gee could I sound anymore shallow) *~*~ Daria  (Fuck you MTV for taking it away)! *~*~ Crak Yankers *~*~ the Simpsons
Reccomended Reading, Listening Etc
*~*~Anything by Jean Paul Sartre *~*~ Anything by Tennessee Williams  *~*~ Requiem for a Dream *~*~ Labyrinth *~*~ Any Beatles CD *~*~ Anythign by the Doors *~*~ Anything mixed by DJ Louie DeVito *~*~ Hedwig and the Angry Inch  *~*~ Sountrack to Hedwig and the Angry Inch *~*~ Anything written by George Carlin or performed by George Carlin *~*~ Anything by Moby *~*~ Dennis Leary especially No Cure for Cancer *~*~ Rocky Horror Picture Show (RHPS) *~*~ RHPS Soundtrack *~*~ NickelBack Silver Side Up *~*~ Santana Shaman  *~*~ Any Santana CD that ISN"T Supernatural *~*~ Anything by Joyce Carol Oates *~*~ Margaret Cho in all forms *~*~ Whatever Happened to Baby Jane *~*~ HELP! (really funny Beatles movie for the uninitiated) *~*~ Dashboard Confessional *~*~ Something Corporate *~*~ the Ramones *~*~ KMFDM/MDFMK *~*~ Joan Jett *~*~ John Lennon's Yoko-free solo projects *~*~ books by Edith Wharton *~*~ Great Expectations (the BOOK) *~*~ the Hours by Michael Cunningham
home jeeves
get me outta here!
my bestest friends (or people that will help me hide  the bodies)
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