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Release 1.0 - 08/12/99


What is Pengo?

Pengo is a demo created using CDX and CDXMappy (based on MappyDX). It's a tile-based game, run under Windows 95/98. You would need Direct X 6.0 or higher installed on your machine to test the demo. It won't run with the basic version that come with original Windows 98.

I make it really fast! Only 2 days! It's not because I'm really smart tough. It's just because CDXMappy is really easy to use. Everything is already exists. What you need to do is only calling the functions, which are only a few would be necessary to create this demo. 

BTW, maybe you are asking yourself why I give my demo name 'pengo' ? Actually, the first time I code the demo, I want to make a simple tile based game like my ancient game 'Pengo'. It's a simple game, where you play a penguin in an icy environment. You can push and slide the icy tile to crush the enemy, or you can break the tile to take the gold inside. But, because I don't have penguin in my sprites collection, and I want to make the demo really fast, I just have to use everything that already exists, including the sample map from MappyDX.

Current Version

I have created the demo using 50 sprites. I also try the demo to use 1000 sprites, and find that the speed wasn't decreased too much. You can download them both.

Please note that you would need winzip to extract the files. You will need all the files to be placed in a single directory. If you download pengo1k, you will also need pengo50 for the bitmap, music and data. The source will be released soon after I've cleaned it up. It really a mess now, since I make it in a hurry !

Pengo (197kb) Download all. Include Pengo50 and Pengo1K. 
Pengo50 (114kb) Release 1.0 - 08/12/99. No source code, EXE only, bitmap, music and data. Using 50 sprites. 
Pengo1K (84kb) Release 1.0 - 08/12/99. EXE only, variant of Pengo50, using 1000 sprites. Need Pengo50 to be able to run.

Previous Version


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Copyright © 1999 Petrus Abri Santoso. Last update: October 23, 1999

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