The Peaceful world of Dee

I haven't updated in a few weeks, but I had to share this. 

You know you live out of the city and it spring (finally) when you look out your back window and see 2 squirrels doing it.  The girl was naturally trying to run away from the horny guy, but I think it is a sure bet that we will have some baby squirrels in the backyard in a few months. Ahh... spring! 


I am adding a new entry because I was very shocking to many yesterday. Family, co-workers from years ago, and most recently.  Friends, and new friends that I have made most recently.  I was totally taken back by the emails, phone calls and the face to face "are you ok?".  Truth is, I am.  I was using this web page to get everyone up to speed, and also share my beliefs in gay marriage, and my 2nd look at working for a coporation.

For those that know me, I am one to speak my mind and make my case, especially when something gets my heart.  

So to those that were confused... don't be!  Just like many, I have tried and failed numerous times at many things, but I have brushed myself off and stood back up with wider eyes and a new direction.

Peace, love and happiness,

Past Entries
3/23 Spring is Here!
3/5 Rantings and Raving
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