about us

"I slept and dreamt that life is nothing but joy.
I woke up and found out life is nothing but service.
I served and understood that service is joy"

Cadet Corps Don Bosco Makati

about us

citizen army
training (CAT)
guest book
comm link

The Cadet Corps Don Bosco Makati is an organization established
in line with the implementation of the Citizen Army Training (CAT) Program. Being in an exclusive school for boys, it has always been a popular group to join for extra-curricular activities among a growing number of high school students who are pursuing their candidacy for it's prestigious Officer's Corps.

It is the school's best organization having the richest and most colorful history, most exciting activities, most efficient leadership structure, time honored traditions, highest standards and the superb capability to implement worthwhile community service projects.

It is also an ideal venue for leadership development through it's rigorous training requiring both physical and mental skill, as well as application of values necessary for character formation.

It is a Corps normally composed of five companies of regular fourth year high school cadets (Basic), one company of specially trained fourth year cadets mixed with Candidate Officers from the lower high school levels (Model) and one company of Military / Air Police / Medics composed of Varsity Players and specially selected cadets (Headquarters and Service Coy.).

These units are led by well trained Cadet Officers who continuously develop their leadership skills as they encounter different situations that will test their abilities in accomplishing the CAT mission.

They are constantly subject to tough competition in which they have to uphold the pride of their unit, and most especially the Corps. These are necessary in instilling in each member the zeal to succeed which results in making success a habit for them. This is applied not only in the Corps, but also in their lives ahead.

...for this is the TRADITION of yesterday...

...the CHALLENGE of today...

.....and the PROMISE of tomorrow...


[about us] [cat] [training] [activities] [guestbook] [comm link]


Cadet Corps Don Bosco Makati

It's not just an org. It's an adventure.

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