Hosted by

Mike Mason Wins, Bethany 'Chicks' Everyone Else

The 2006 edition of Catherines Fat Ass 50k is done and in the books. Bill VanAnimal loaded up the photos he took during the run. Thanks to all the volunteers who worked the aid stations, including Ed Demoney, Helen Hipps, Keith Dunn, Rebecca Moore, Luanne Turrentine, Bunny Runyan, Mike McCumber, Pat Brown, and Leslie Stanfield. It was a hot, buggy day to be standing around in the woods, trying to keep the food from melting.

Tom Corris deserves special mention as he slaved over the hot grill, slinging brats, burgers, dogs, and lumps of soy - keeping everyone happy during the post-run party.

Also, thank you to those runners who helped out with their fellow runners who were having problems on this hot, hot day. Several people abandoned their race completely to make sure their friends got to the finish safely. All those involved get free entry to CFA next year!

Thanks, and see you next year!

Jeff Reed and Bill VanAntwerp
Race Directors

2006 Catherines Fat Ass Results

Runner	        Time
Mike Mason	5:17
Bethany Patterson	6:00
Chris Calfee	6:08
Mark Crisman	6:11
James Ikner	6:14
Mike Campbell	6:25
Jamey Groff	6:27
Martha Wright	6:40
Jack Edington 	6:41
Laura Nelson 	6:46
Ed Cacciapaglia	6:50
Marty Lindemann	6:50
Kerry Owens	6:55
John Shepard	6:55
Quatro Hubbard	7:00
John Hayward	7:00
Bill Gentry	7:01
Michelle Huston	7:01
Darin Dunham	7:04
Dave Gaudette	7:20
Brian Beduhn	7:21
Bill Turrentine	7:23
David Snipes	7:27
Jim Treece	7:27
Farouk Elkassed	7:30
Jim Cavanaugh	7:30
Rob Saraniero	7:34
Jay Finkle	7:35
Joey Anderson	7:49
Ralph Tuttle	7:52
Angelo Witten	7:53
Jill Quivey	7:55
Debbie Shaffer	7:55
Bob Phillips	7:55
Janet Vincent	7:57
Vincent Vaughan	7:58
Dave Quivey	8:00
Vicki Kendall	8:00
Sharon Lapkoff	8:00
Carol Smith	8:00
Jon C. Norris	8:22
Joyce Fendley	8:23
Margie Hughes	8:23
Dave Yeakel	8:23
Anita Finkle	8:31
Dru Sexton	8:31
Graham Zollman	8:31
Rayna Matsuno	8:49
James Moore	9:02
Carl Camp	9:04
Anstr Davidson	9:20
Carolyn Gernard	9:35