2000 Catherines Fat Ass 50k Results and Race Report

  1. Courtney Campbell 4:16
  2. John Hayward 4:42
  3. Scott Mills <and> Joe Clapper 4:56
  4. Dennis Herr 5:07
  5. Russ Evans 5:11
  6. Tom Rogers <and> Joe Galope 5:29
  7. Bob Gaylord 5:45
  8. Mike Walsh 5:46
  9. Tom Trask 5:58
  10. Wayne Lapham 5:59
  11. Bill Wandell 6:06
  12. Noelle Olson
  13. Anstr Davidson 6:28
  14. Patti Harden 6:29
  15. Roger Allison <and> Kat Stone 6:48
  16. Bob Sitler 7:07
  17. Graham Zollman 7:19
  18. Carolyn Gernand 8:19

25 starters.

The morning started with a clear sky and low summer temperatures at the Highway 211 Visitor Center in the Massanutten Mountains. Twenty three runners assembled for the Catherine's Fat Ass 26 Miler -- hosted by the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club. The group gathered for a pre-run photo, then took off down the trail towards the Bird Knob assent. Two more runners joined the run a few minutes later. They were rewarded for the long rocky climb to the Knob with a spectacular view of western Virginia. Then they headed south on a mountain trail for several more miles, ran the long downhill road section to Pitt Spring, and hustled up another road to the beautiful, wet, and mossy Yellow Trail. The leader throughout the run was Courtney Campbell. He reported seeing a bear on the Yellow Trail, and though it held him up for about five minutes, he still had a 23 minute lead on the second place runner by the return to Pitt Spring. The runners had to pass Pitt Spring twice before making the assent up the Purple Trail, the return to Bird Knob, and the Visitor Center.

The Purple Trail starts off with a little flat section, but within a short time starts going uphill at a deceptively slight angle. It gets even steeper as it finally peaks and makes a climb over a ridge line. And though there is a great view, the trail itself is evil in the way it wears the runner down.

Although the race was organized with a casual Fat Ass philosophy, the CFA runners had selectively marked trails to make sure no one got lost. There were maps available, though most had brought their own. There were two lightly stocked aid stations, though with plenty of water. And we had volunteers out on the course, as well as waiting at the start/finish with some refreshments.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws