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  FRI    6.26.98            no pain at all today! 
Big Time Operator performed at the Rancho Bernardo Inn today.   We had to be there by 3:30 for a soundcheck and get everything tweeked by 5pm.   I dropped off my youngest son Jordan at his friend's house prior to getting to the soundcheck.    The challenge of being in a busy band and being a dad is being able to coordinate all the events between famiiy and music.    A lot goes on when you have children,  and I haven't had a lot of practice time lately.   I can't practice 5-6 hours a day like I used to when I was single.   There are obligations that must be met and the task of trying to raise a family becomes difficult. 
My wife went to the Lilith Fair Concert and was pretty much gone all day today.   Organized by singer/songwriter Sarah MacLachlan,  It was an all day affair at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and also featured other female singer/songwriters Natalie Merchant,  Billie Myers  and Tara Maclean,  among others...     I wanted to go to this event.   I really love Sarah MacLachlan's songs and her voice.   As a matter of fact I turned my wife on to Sarah MacLachlan and now she's a bigger fan of Sarah than I am.   Anyway,  I dropped my wife off at work,  where she was going with some of her co-workers and they had left midmorning to go to the Del Mar Fair,  since that's where the Lilith Fair Concert was being held. 

The private party the band played tonight was for Pomerado Hospital.   We weren't supposed to start until 9pm.   A waiting area was provided for the band and we had food and beverages provided for us.   We didn't start until after 9pm because they had a fundraising auction going on and it was going over the designated time.   No problem with me.   It makes for a shorter gig,  time-wise,  but it can be rather boring sitting around and waiting.   Sometimes I'd much rather play music than to wait. 
Well,  when we finally got called to start our first set half the people had gone home!    Oh well,  these private parties can be like that sometimes.   Anyway,  for the rest of the people there,  they had two swing dance instructors to demonstrate and try to get people involved in swing dancing by giving lessons.  
The dance instructors specialized in West Coast swing,  and it required that the band played music with tempos from  the 120 - 140 beats per minute range.    That was OK with the band,  but we had to reschedule our set list to concentrate on slower tempo tunes in the first set.  
In the second set most of the people had already gone home.   Only the die hard swingsters remained.   I think our second set only lasted half an hour,  as the people running this event had said we could stop early.    This made for an easy gig and gave my knee plenty of rest,   which was surprisingly without pain tonight!   My wife had gotten me these pills which I think were extracted from herbs.   These were for people with joint problems.   I must say,  I think they really did the job!   No pain today.  



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