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  June 10, 1998          schooner's  
Every morning,  even though I might've had a gig the night before,  I usually help get the kids ready for school.   That was the deal I made with my wife.   If I were to quit my day job to play music full-time,  then I'd have to pick up the slack and take the kids to school,  buy the groceries,  iron their clothes,  help them with their homework,  etc, etc...    By day I'm a stay-at-home Dad,  as one of my younger son's friends would say,  and by night I'm a drummer working clubs and bars with the big band.   Well,  I've made my promise and I have an obligation to keep it.   However it doesn't always work that way.   Sometimes I am so tired that I just don't wake up.   A couple of times I have awakened from a deep sleep and it's already 11am,  and everyone's gone!   But to the best of my ability I try to wake up early so I can help out with getting the kids off to school and to cook breakfast. 

The band played at Schooner's in Pacific Beach again.   Everyone in the band hates playing there because of the acoustics.   The stage is kitty-cornered with two walls behind us.   And there's glass windows that have been covered up with what looks like those blankets that movers use to wrap furniture up in so they won't get scratched. 
Our sound on stage was very muddy and lacking in clarity.   So everyone in the band struggled the entire night.   It did get better during the second set.   We played from 9:30pm to 12:00 midnight.   We already have our own sound man to control the mixing board,  but he can only do so much. 
We got a good crowd here tonight.   And lots of swing dancers participated in the lessons prior to our first set.   Again some of our friends and fans came out to see us,  and that always helps us out,   I know I need all the moral support I can get,  being that my own family never comes out to see me perform,  which makes it hard.   It reminds me of a TV show I saw about Luciano Pavarotti,  and in his interview he said that his parents at first didn't support his ambitions of becoming an opera singer,  and that it was only until he finally achieved the success and recognition he is now getting that his parents have finally come to terms with it.   Boy such family loyalty!   Well,  that's how my parents and siblings ARE with my musical endeavors.   I just hope I can get to that point where my family will start coming.   I just wonder when that will be. 



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