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  SATURDAY      07.11.98             back to disneyland 
I was happy to be performing at Disneyland again.   Tonight we had a great audience, and more dancers than in the past when we've performed here.    I rode with Nate on the way up and we would've been right on time if it weren't for the traffic and Harbor Blvd. being closed.   When we arrived at the back entrance the rest of the band was still loading equipment into the van.   Nothing to fear,  we made it with plenty of time to spare before downbeat. 
It was very hot at Disneyland today.   My new Jack DeJohnette signature drumheads got a lot of people's attentions.   These new heads sound fuller and have a whole lot of resonance to them.   Plus they have an attractive black, professional looking appearance.   The guys in the band really noticed these heads,  and the bass drumhead,  *whew*  does it really boom or what?   I'm quited happy with the new additions to my drumkit. 
Well,  you can't please all of the people all of the time,  but there was this older couple during the first set,  they were just standing there in the middle of the dance floor giving us means looks,  as if they wanted to beat the crap out of us,  or something like that.   I mean,  they looked fierce.   I guess I found out later that they thought all our songs were way too fast.   But what got me,  was that fact that the dance floor was packed and everyone else seemed to be having the time of their lives.   Anyway,  when it came time to do my solo at the beginning of Bugle Call Rag,  they started giving us (or me?)  the thumbs down sign.   I heard later that this couple's been going to the Disneyland dances for 20 plus years and they always complain every time and they are never happy. 
During our first break Rita and her friend Michelle came backstage to greet us.   I showed them around backstage and helped them go to the employee's fast food place.   It just blows my mind how things are, behind the buildings here at Disneyland.   Rita,  who goes to UC Irvine caught us at the Cafe Du Nord in San Fransisco.   She really lives up in the Berkeley area and went home after the quarter was over at UCI.   We caught her at Disneyland because she was back in Orange County going to summer school.   I met her friend Michelle up at the Cafe Du Nord and was suprised to find her down here.   She was down for the week visiting Rita. 
This gig was our last gig prior to the band's vacation.   It's going to be great to be able to take a break from the band's hectic schedule.   I need it to recoup,  rest my knee and get ready for the next tour.   I have things to practice on my own, in order to improve  my own playing.   I have new ideas I need to work out so that I can keep playing and keep my solos fresh. 
With ten guys in this band I know it can be a real challenge for us all to get along.   I'm mean,  the popular a band gets,  the more stresses pop up.   But for us to all get along is a real challenge.   For one,  egos get in the way.   Warren looked a little pissed off tonight,  so did Rick.   I don't know what was bugging them if anything in fact was,  but these are the things that go on in the band sometimes.   Little things that can irritate,  or just not really knowing sometimes where the other is coming from.   I'm just here to play,  myself.   It's always been my dream to perform and become successful at it.   That's how simple my attitude is toward this whole thing.   I don't like to create situations where politics or other conflicts get involved.   I just want to be the best that I can be.   It's as simple as that.   Because I figure,  it's less headache for me,  and I just concentrate on my performance.   In the long run,  I feel that I'll always be accepted if I play from the heart.   You just can't underestimate people,  for they'll know if you're playing from the heart. 

Tonight's Gigs: 
    Disneyland - Anaheim


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